첫번째 줄 : 한글

두번째 줄 : translation myself

세번째 줄 : google bard

네번째 줄 : chatGPT



청소를 해도 먼지가 계속 나온다.

Dusts come again and again even I cleaned.

- I clean, but dust keeps coming out.

- Even after cleaning, dust continues to come out. 


먼지는 어디서 떨어져나오는 것일까?

Where Dusts come from?

- Where does dust come from?

- Where does the dust come from? 


듣기로는, 내 몸에서 떨어져나오는 각질이 먼지가 될 수 있다고 한다.

As I heared, some tiny dead skin cells coming off my body could become dust.

- I heard that the dead skin cells that fall off my body can become dust.

- I've heard that dead skin cells from our bodies can become dust. 


그리고 옷, 이불 등의 섬유에서도 먼지가 나올 수 있다.

And some coming off cloths and covers could.

- And dust can also come out of fibers such as clothes and bedding.

- Additionally, dust can come from fibers in clothing, bedding, and other fabrics. 


창문을 열어두었다면 바깥에서 들어온 공기를 통해 먼지가 유입될 수 있다.

If windows open, dust could come through the air coming inside.

- If you leave the window open, dust can enter through the air from outside.

- If you leave the windows open, dust can enter from outside through the airflow. 


집이 좁다면 청소하기가 까다롭지 않지만, 집이 넓다면 청소할 때 각오를 해야 한다.

If house is small, cleaning wouldn't be complicated, but If it's huge, should determine.

- If the house is small, it is not difficult to clean, but if the house is large, you need to be prepared to clean.

- If your house is small, cleaning might not be too difficult, but if it's large, you need to be prepared when cleaning.


먼저 물티슈로 책상이나 선반 등 바닥에서 떨어져 있는 곳을 닦아준다.

First, wipe desk or shelf where is far from the floor with a wet tissue.

- First, wipe the places that are off the ground with a wet cloth, such as tables and shelves.

- First, wipe down the surfaces like desks and shelves that have dust on the floor with wet wipes. 


그 후 진공청소기로 바닥을 쫙 훑어준다.

And clean the floor using a vacuum cleaner.

- Then vacuum the floor.

- Then, thoroughly vacuum the floor. 


바닥 물걸레질을 하기 전에 화장실에 뿌리는 락스를 미리 발포해둔다.

Spread shooting chlorine bleach to the bathroom before cleaning the floor wtih a damp cloth.

- Before mopping the floorspray the bleach that is used in the bathroom.

- Before mopping the floor, apply a foaming cleanser like bleach in the bathroom


바닥 물걸레질을 모두 마친 후, 뜨거운 물로 화장실에 뿌려둔 락스를 씻어낸다.

After cleaning with a damp cloth, rinse the bathroom wtih hot water to wash chlorine bleach.

- After mopping the floor, wash off the bleach with hot water.

- After finishing mopping, rinse off the bleach with hot water in the bathroom. 


청소 후에는 맨발로 걸어도 발에 씹히는 게 없다.

No crunch things on my foot after cleaning.

- After cleaning, you can walk barefoot without anything getting stuck on your feet.

- After cleaning, you can walk barefoot without anything sticking to your feet.


이렇게 일주일이 흐르면, 또 다시 쌓인 책상 위 먼지를 보면서 처음을 생각한다.

As one week flows, I think the first thing watching dust on the desk again.

- In this way, after a week, I look at the dust piled up on the table again and think about the beginning.

- As a week passes, looking at the dust that has accumulated on the desk again makes me think of the beginning.

'English' 카테고리의 다른 글

Study English 23.07.31  (0) 2023.08.02
Study English 23.07.30  (0) 2023.08.01
Study English 23.07.28  (0) 2023.07.29
Study English 23.07.27  (0) 2023.07.29
Study English 23.07.26  (0) 2023.07.29

첫번째 줄 : 한글

두번째 줄 : translation myself

세번째 줄 : google bard

네번째 줄 : chatGPT



하둡은 MapReduce, YARN, HDFS 이 세 가지 파트로 나뉘어져 있다.

Hadoop contains 3 parts of MapReduce, YARN, HDFS.

- Hadoop is divided into three parts: MapReduce, YARN, and HDFS. 

- Hadoop is divided into three parts: MapReduce, YARN, and HDFS. 


각각은 빅데이터를 여러 머신에서 분산 처리하는 중요한 역할을 맡고 있다.

Each parts have important roles for distributed processing on many machines.

- Each plays an important role in distributing the processing of big data on multiple machines. 

- Each plays a crucial role in distributed processing of big data across multiple machines.


MapReduce 보다는 Hive, Spark 가 더 많이 사용되는 것 같다.

Hive and Spark are used more than MapReduce.

- It seems that Hive and Spark are more widely used than MapReduce. 

- It seems that Hive and Spark are more commonly used than MapReduce. 


IDC 환경에서는 HDFS 가 사용 될 것이고, Cloud 환경에서는 S3가 사용 될 것이다.

HDFS is used on IDC environment and S3 is used on Cloud environment.

- HDFS will be used in IDC environments, and S3 will be used in cloud environments. 

- In an IDC environment, HDFS is used, while in a Cloud environment, S3 is utilized.


나는 Mesos 등의 다른 Cluster Manager 보다 YARN 을 사용해왔고 많이 알고 있다.

I have used and known YARN more than other Cluster Managers like Mesos.

- I have been using YARN rather than other cluster managers such as Mesos, and I am familiar with it. 

- I have been using YARN rather than other Cluster Managers like Mesos and I am well acquainted with it. 


YARN 은 분산 처리 진행에 문제가 없도록, 각 서버의 자원을 관리하고 작업을 스케줄링한다.

YARN manages each server's resources and schedules jobs not to occur issues during distributed processing.

- YARN manages the resources of each server and schedules tasks so that there are no problems in the progress of distributed processing. 

- YARN manages resources on each server and schedules tasks to ensure smooth distributed processing.


분산 처리란, 하나의 작업을 여러 머신(서버)에 나눠서 실행하는 것이다.

Distributed processing is to run one job on many machines(servers).

- Distributed processing is the process of dividing one task into multiple machines (servers) and executing it. 

- Distributed processing involves dividing a single task into multiple machines (servers) for execution. 


예를 들어, (빅데이터는 아니지만) 올해 대한민국 성씨 순위를 매긴다고 하자.

For instance, (It's not bigdata but) Let's say we rank family names in Korea in order of the amount.

- For example, let's say we want to rank the surname ranking in Korea this year. 

- For example, let's say we rank the surnames in South Korea this year (not big data, just an example). 


김씨 데이터는 A서버에서 추합하고, 이씨 데이터는 B서버에서 추합하고... 황씨 데이터는 Z서버에서 추합한다.

Family name Kim is accumulated on A server, Family name Lee is accumulated on B server... Family name Hwang is accumulated on Z server.

- Kim data is summed up on server A, Lee data is summed up on server B, and Hwang data is summed up on server Z. 

- Kim's data is aggregated on server A, Lee's data on server B, and so on until Hwang's data on server Z. 


그리고 각 서버에서 추합된 데이터를 하나로 모으는 등 잘 정리해서 결과로 내놓는다.

The accumulated results from many servers are arranged as gathering at one place and put as a result.

- And the data summed up on each server is gathered together, etc., and the results are presented

- Then, the data aggregated from each server is consolidated and presented as the final result.


consolidated : 통합된


이렇게 분산 병렬 처리로 작업이 실행되면, 하나의 서버에서 처리했을 때보다 훨씬 빠르다.

If job runs as distributed paraller processing, It's faster than running on just one server.

- In this way, when the task is executed by distributed parallel processing, it is much faster than when it is processed on a single server.

- With distributed parallel processing, the task executes much faster than when performed on a single server. 


분산 처리의 단점은 서버 비용 및 유지보수가 어렵다는 것이다.

The weakess of Distributed processing is server running fee and hard maintaining.

- The disadvantage of distributed processing is that the server cost and maintenance are difficult. 

- However, the drawback of distributed processing is the cost and complexity of managing servers. 


서버 수가 많아지면 각 머신을 관리하는 비용도 올라가게 된다.

Server's maintaining price is increased as the number of servers.

- As the number of servers increases, the cost of managing each machine also increases. 

- As the number of servers increases, so does the cost of managing each machine, 


머신이 고장나거나 작업이 실패했을 때 대처 방법도 복잡하다.

If machines are broken down or jobs fail, It's harder to treat the issues.

- The method of coping with when the machine breaks down or the task fails is also complex. 

- and dealing with machine failures or job failures becomes more complex.


YARN 은 이런 문제점들을 보완하기 위해 사용된다.

YARN is used to handle these problems.

- YARN is used to complement these problems.

- YARN is used to address these issues and provide solutions for effective distributed processing.


address : (문제 상황에 대해) 고심하다, 다루다








'English' 카테고리의 다른 글

Study English 23.07.30  (0) 2023.08.01
Study English 23.07.29  (0) 2023.08.01
Study English 23.07.27  (0) 2023.07.29
Study English 23.07.26  (0) 2023.07.29
Study English 23.07.25  (0) 2023.07.28


PR Permanent Residence is my short term goal to get by on a working holiday.

Many youtubers said english skills are important, and found a IT words specialist english lesson on Udemy.
When the time is right it will come for you.
1. What type of working environment do you prefer?
I like office work as it is better to talk to coworkers, such as daily briefings and project guidels.
While working from home we have to communicate online, and sometimes the responsive rate is late
and also can result in misunderstandings.
Therefore I like working in the office.

responsive rate : 반응 속도

2. How do you deal with pressure?
I feel pressure when I get interrupted by many other tasks while I am focusing on my work.
It doesn't matter about the size of the work, I just don't like to be interrupted.
This is because interruptions stop my work and create a mess, which results in priorities being changed.
So when this happens I put these interruptions into my work stack and ask my Manager the priority of which to action.
3. How do you organize your workload?
If I am uninterrupted, I manage my own work stack, it's just like a ticket system.
By putting my work into a stack I make the priority in order from most important and urgent to least  important.
This system should make it easy to see my work and priorities at once.
By using this system it is much easier to organise my work and it enables work to be done more efficiently.
4. What are you passionate about?
When I join a project and make something meaningful for the company or users,
it makes me passionate thinking I'm part of the value creation process.
It gives me the power to be productive and make nice results.


'English' 카테고리의 다른 글

Study English 23.07.29  (0) 2023.08.01
Study English 23.07.28  (0) 2023.07.29
Study English 23.07.26  (0) 2023.07.29
Study English 23.07.25  (0) 2023.07.28
Study English 23.07.24  (0) 2023.07.24



I went to a new Church as my last one was very far from here, and I found a good one about 10minutes from my house.


1. Tell us about a time when you disagreed with your Manager.  What did you do?
Usually when I don't understand what I am doing, I ask to make it clear.
My Manager knows many work processes, but not everything.
As such, sometimes when I ask my Manager something he doesn't know, he disagrees with my work process.
I explained with ticket links and briefed him on our last meeting.
Then he understood why I asked about it, and also my work process.
I think many issues between people can be solved by smooth communication and listening carefully.
What does it mean if a person is condescending?
If you say that someone is condescending, you are showing your disapproval of the fact that they talk or behave in a way which shows that they think they are superior to other people.

condescending : 거들먹거리는, 잘난 체하는 

My Manager pushes people with his authority.


What is boomer mean in slang?
An elderly person
(by extension, slang, sometimes derogatory) An elderly person, regardless of generation. I'm going to be a boomer by the time this thing is over. (by extension, slang, sometimes derogatory) A person who is too old to be familiar with the use of recent technology. I'm such a boomer; I have no idea how to use this phone.
What does the X generation stand for?
From the baby boomer to the post-millennial generations: 50 years of change. The photographer Robert Capa coined the term 'generation X' to refer to people born after the 60s. In not even half a century, this generation has coexisted with three others: the baby boomer, Y and Z.
2. Tell us about a time you faced a conflict at work and how you resolved it?
My team runs many services which need a variety of skill sets including back end and front end.
I have worked in the big data field, but one day my Manager told me to work on the front end service.
The reason for this is that he tried to make team members know how to run all services.
I had run spring services, even though I didn't know it well.
So, I watched a lot of internet lectures about Spring.
Spring tasks made me stressed, thinking that I wouldn't be able to finish it till the ETA.
( synonyms for stressed out. Most relevant. anxious · frazzled · nervous · strained · tensed · unnerved · worried.)
As a result I got stressed, but in the end I completed the task.
I explained to my Manager that if I could focus on what I can do better, it would be more efficient.
He also accepted my opinion and after that I could work for a big data task return.
What does it mean feeling the pinch?
If a person or company is feeling the pinch, they do not have as much money as they used to, and so they cannot buy the things they would like to buy. Consumers are spending less and traders are feeling the pinch. Synonyms: suffer hardship, be poor, be impoverished, be short of money More Synonyms of feel the pinch.
feeling the pinch : 돈에[경제적으로] 쪼들리다
Annual Leave : 연가
How much annual leave do you get?
I used some of my annual leave.
She's entitled to 19 days annual leave.

What do we mean by annual leave?
What is Annual Leave? | Organisational Best Practices
Annual leave is a period of paid time off (PTO) granted to employees by their employer. Employees can use their annual leave for whatever they like, including holidays or just relaxing at home.

A bout is a fight. If you want to be a boxer, start with some easy bouts before challenging the champ. A bout is a period of time in which something intense happens, like fighting, binging, or being sick, and comes from the word for bending, or going round in a circle.



'English' 카테고리의 다른 글

Study English 23.07.28  (0) 2023.07.29
Study English 23.07.27  (0) 2023.07.29
Study English 23.07.25  (0) 2023.07.28
Study English 23.07.24  (0) 2023.07.24
Study English 23.07.23  (0) 2023.07.22
첫번째 줄 : 한글
두번째 줄 : translation myself
세번째 줄 : google bard
네번째 줄 : chatGPT



AI 에 대해 장황한 이야기를 했더니, 너무 양이 많아져서 힘들었다.

After the long story about AI, it made me feel hard because the amount was huge.

- I talked about AI in a long-winded way, but it was too much work.

- After sharing elaborate stories about AI, it became too overwhelming due to the excessive volume.


long-winded : 길고 지루한, 장황한

elaborate : 정교한, 정성들인

overwhelming : 압도적인

excessive : 지나친, 과도한


그래서 이제 양을 좀 적당히 줄이려고 한다.

So I'm going to adjust the amount.

- So now I'm going to try to reduce the amount.

- So now, I'll try to reduce the quantity a bit.


운동에 관한 이야기를 해보자.

Let me talk about excercising.

- Let's talk about exercise. (not excercising)

- Let's talk about exercise. 


어렸을 때는 어른들이나 선배들한테 자주 들었던 이야기가 있다.

When I was young, adults and seniors told me a story many times.

- When I was a kid, I often heard stories from adults and seniors.

- When I was young, I often heard stories from adults or seniors that


어떤 나이가 되면 건강이 급속도로 악화된다고 했다.

Our health is going to be bad fast at a certain age.

- They said that at a certain age, health deteriorates rapidly.

- as you age, your health deteriorates rapidly.


 deteriorate : 악화되다, 더 나빠지다


나는 아직 그 나이가 오지 않은 것인지, 아직 건강이 악화되었다고 느끼진 않는다.

I don't feel my health is bad now, I guess I don't get older at the age.
- I don't know if I haven't reached that age yet, but I don't feel like my health has deteriorated yet.

- I'm not at that age yet, and I don't feel my health has declined


decline : 감소, 줄어들다, 거절하다


하지만 건강이 항상 좋을 순 없을 것이고, 그 나이도 언젠가 올테니, 꾸준히 운동을 해서 건강을 미리 챙겨두려고 한다.

But my health is not always good and I will be at the age someday, so I'm going to keep my good health by working out.

- However, health cannot always be good, and that age will come someday, so I want to keep my health in check by exercising regularly.

- However, I understand that health may not always be at its best, and that age will come eventually. So, I'm determined to consistently exercise and take care of my health in advance.


밤마다 공원에서 달리기를 하고, 헬스장 가서 근력 운동을 한다.

Every nights I run in a park and go to the gym to working out.

- I run in the park every night and do strength training at the gym.

- I run at the park every night and do strength training at the gym.


꾸준히 운동하다보면, 건강은 물론이거니와 몸도 좋아져서 거울 볼 때마다 자신감을 갖을 수 있겠지.

If I keep working out, I will have good health and also get confident every time I see me myself throught a mirror.

- If I keep exercising regularly, my health will improve, and my body will improve, and I will be able to feel confident every time I look in the mirror.

- By exercising regularly, not only will my health improve, but my body will also become better, giving me confidence whenever I look in the mirror.


'English' 카테고리의 다른 글

Study English 23.07.27  (0) 2023.07.29
Study English 23.07.26  (0) 2023.07.29
Study English 23.07.24  (0) 2023.07.24
Study English 23.07.23  (0) 2023.07.22
Study English 23.07.22  (0) 2023.07.22

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