첫번째 줄 : 한글

두번째 줄 : translation myself

세번째 줄 : google bard

네번째 줄 : chatGPT



낮잠을 자고 나면 기분이 좋지 않은데, 이유는 모르겠다.

After taking a nap, I dont feel good. don't know why.

- I don't know why, but I don't feel good after taking a nap.

- After taking a nap, I don't feel well, and I don't know why.


은연중에 시간을 버려졌다고 생각하나 봄.

I think I wasted my time in my mind.

- I think I subconsciously feel like I've wasted my time.

- Subconsciously, I feel like I've wasted time.


규칙적인 신체활동주기에 맞춰 자고 깨는 것이 좋다고들 하더라. 

People say, It's good to sleep and wake up following a regular circadian rhythms.

- People say it's good to sleep and wake up at regular times. 

- People say it's better to sleep and wake up according to a regular body activity cycle.


낮잠이 그 주기를 깨버려서 기분이 나쁜가 싶기도 하다.

I guess nap breaks the rhythm and that's why I feel bad.

- I wonder if my nap broke that cycle and made me feel bad. 

- I sometimes wonder if taking a nap disrupts that cycle and makes me feel bad.


자야할 때 자고싶지 않고, 일어나야 할 때 계속 자고싶은 기분은 역설적이다.

When I have to sleep, I dont wanna sleep, when I have to wake up, I wanna keep sleeping, and this feeling is very ironic. 

- It's paradoxical that I don't want to sleep when I should be sleeping and I want to keep sleeping when I should be waking up.

- It's paradoxical to feel like you don't want to sleep when you should and want to keep sleeping when you need to get up.


요새는 열대야때문에 더워서 깊이 자지 못하고 아침에 일직 깨는 것 같다.

I have inclined to wake up early and not to sleep in deep these days because of tropical night.

- I've been having trouble sleeping because of the hot weather lately. I feel like I wake up early in the morning.

- Lately, it's so hot due to the tropical weather that I can't sleep deeply and keep waking up in the morning.


세계 곳곳에 폭염같은 이상기후가 나타나고 있는데 아무래도 지구가 이상하다.

Abnormal climate like hot weather has emerged in the world, and it seems very weird. 

- The world is experiencing strange weather patterns, such as heat waves. I think the earth is strange.

- Extreme weather, like heatwaves, is occurring all over the world, and it seems like the Earth is behaving strangely.


갈수록 천재지변이 나타나고, 우한 바이러스 같은 역병도 돈다면 이거 재앙이 아닐까?

Occuring Disaster and population of plagues like Wuhan virus would be a catastrophe?

- Natural disasters are becoming more frequent, and diseases like the Wuhan virus are spreading. Is this not a disaster?

- Natural disasters are happening more frequently, and there are outbreaks of diseases like the Wuhan virus. Could this be a disaster?


outbreak : (전쟁·사고·질병 등의) 발생[발발]


내가 살아있는 동안 세상의 끝이 도래하고, 예수님이 다시 오시는 거 아닐까 싶을 정도.

I think during I live I will see the end of the workd and Jesus will come.

- I can't help but think that the end of the world is coming while I am alive, and that Jesus is coming again.

- It almost feels like the end of the world and the second coming of Jesus might happen while I'm still alive.



...방금 낮잠을 잤더니 이상한 꿈을 꾸었고 기분도 이상해서 이상한 말을 적어보았다.

....just took a nap, I had a weird dream and feel weird now, so I wrote down weird things.

- ...I just took a nap and had a strange dream. I felt strange, so I wrote down some strange words.

- ... After just waking up from a nap, I had a strange dream, and my mood was weird, so I wrote some strange words.


재밌는 사실을 하나 발견했다.

Just found a fun fact.

- I found an interesting fact.

- I discovered an interesting fact. 


영어 번역할 때, Google Bard 에서 민감한 단어 필터링을 하고 있다는 것이다.

Google Bard filters some sensitive words to translate into English.

- When translating English, Google Bard filters sensitive words.

- When translating in Google Bard, it filters sensitive words. 


예를 들어, 아래 스샷과 같이 민감한 단어는 영어 번역을 하지 않는다.

For example, it don't support English Translation with sensitive words as below screenshot.

- For example, as shown in the screenshot below, sensitive words are not translated into English.

- For example, as shown in the screenshot below, sensitive words are not translated in English.




'English' 카테고리의 다른 글

Study English 23.08.05  (0) 2023.08.18
Study English 23.08.04  (0) 2023.08.18
Study English 23.08.02  (0) 2023.08.03
Study English 23.08.01  (0) 2023.08.02
Study English 23.07.31  (0) 2023.08.02


Q. What is executor memory in spark?


Executors have their own memory that is like a worktable.

- Executors have their own memory that is like a work table.


Spark driver gives tasks to executors and executors put related data on memory to treat the tasks.

- The Spark driver gives tasks to the executors. In turn, Executors put related data on the memory to deal with the tasks.


 in turn : 차례차례, 결국[결과적으로]


This is why spark is much faster than Hadoop MapReduce.

- This is why Spark is much faster than hadoop map reduce.


Memory is better than disk. Also, Much memory, faster processing.

- Memory is better than a disk and more memory equals faster processing.


It's okay even memoy space is smaller than data.

- It's ok if memory space is smaller than the data


Spark use disk spaces for exceeded data over memory size.

- because Spark uses disk space for exceeded data over memory size.


Sometimes data on memory can be deleted by accident but no worry, rdd remembers the data hierarchy so the deleted data will be recovered again.

- Sometimes data on memory can be deleted by accident. But not to worry, RDD remembers the data hierarchy. So the deleted data can be recovered again.


We need to use cache function for some data that is used for wide transformation many times.

- We need to use a cache function for some data that is used for wide transformation many times.


Q. Explain how columer storage increases the core speed?
A. The columnar storage has its data in order by column.
So when queries search a few columns, it's faster and better than row storage.
When the query is executed the data is inline in the physical memory.
There is no need to move the reading points here and there.
And so we can save disk space because there are no empty spaces to explain one row.
In addition, encrypt functions will be processed faster for data in columnar storage.



'English' 카테고리의 다른 글

Study English 23.08.04  (0) 2023.08.18
Study English 23.08.03  (0) 2023.08.05
Study English 23.08.01  (0) 2023.08.02
Study English 23.07.31  (0) 2023.08.02
Study English 23.07.30  (0) 2023.08.01


Q. What is a data engineer?


Data engineers create processing to treat data.

- Data engineers create processes to treat data.


They make some data pipelines for extracting data, Transformation, and Loading into database which is called ETL.

- They make some data pipelines to extract data, transform and load into databases. This is called ETL (extract, transform, load)


There could be some issues on the pipeline as bad consistency, late processing, or broken pipelines and so on.

- There could be some issues in the data pipeline such as bad consistency, late processing or broken pipelines and so on.


Data engineers will treat these problems to maintain the pipelines.

- As such, data engineers will treat these problems to maintain the pipelines.


Also They accept some ask from Data Scientiests or Analystics to add more pipeline or support more business data.

- Also, they accept requests from data scientists or analysts to add more pipelines or support more business data.


Data Engineers' job makes a result as formatted and cleaned data so that Data scientiest and Analysists can extract values from it.

- Furthermore, their job in turn formats and cleans the data helping Data analysts and scientists to extract values from it.




Q. Explain indexing.


It's similar to a table of books.

- Indexing can be thought of as a table of books.


Many databases store lots of data and support query which search some specific data for users.

- Many databases store lots of data and support queries which search some specific data for users.


If data is too much, won't be easy to run query.

- If the data quantity is too large, it will not be easy to run queries.


That's why Indexing is needed.

- That's why indexing is needed to make it more efficient.


Indexing saves hash values of data(as primary key in SQL) in advance. The hash values are in a B+tree structure

- It saves the hash values of data in advance and these values are in a B+ tree structure.


and that's why databses can run finding query fast.

- As a result, that's why finding queries can be executed fast.


But indexing occupies some spaces of disks and makes DML queries complicated.

- On the other hand, indexing occupies some disk space and makes DML queries complicated.





Q. What is the Replication factor in Hadoop?


It's the number of duplication blocks in HDFS.

- It's the number of duplication blocks in HDFS.


Some data storing into HDFS will be devided into blocks of a certain size which is 128mb by default.

- Some data stored in HDFS will be divided into blocks of a certain size which is 128mb by default.


The blocks are duplicated the replication factor times and spread to other machines.

- The blocks are duplicated by the replication factor times and spread to other machines.


Replication factor is 3 by default but if it increases, data processing speed would be faster by data locality

- The replication factor is 3 by default, but if it increases, the data processing speed will be faster by data locality.


and it would be difficult to loss data, but could occupy more disk spaces.

- In addition it would be difficult to lose data, but could occupy more disk space.


'English' 카테고리의 다른 글

Study English 23.08.03  (0) 2023.08.05
Study English 23.08.02  (0) 2023.08.03
Study English 23.07.31  (0) 2023.08.02
Study English 23.07.30  (0) 2023.08.01
Study English 23.07.29  (0) 2023.08.01


첫번째 줄 : 한글

두번째 줄 : translation myself

세번째 줄 : google bard

네번째 줄 : chatGPT




속이 안 좋을 때는 귀리를 이용한 음식을 먹으면 좋다.

When stomach feels bad, It's good to eat some food with oatmeal.

- When you have an upset stomach, it is good to eat food that uses oats. 

- When you're not feeling well, it's good to eat food made with oats. 


귀리는 물을 흡수해서 불어나는 성질을 갖고 있다.

Oatmeal has an aptitude to get bigger sucking water.

- Oats have the property of absorbing water and swelling

- Oats have the property of absorbing and expanding when they come into contact with water. 


swell : 붓다

come into : ~ 의 상태가 되다


그래서 먹기 편한 압착 귀리에 뜨거운 물을 붓고, 조금 저어준 후 불어날 때 까지 기다리면 간단하게 죽이 된다.

So after pouring hot water to pressed oatmeal which is easy to eat, stiring, and waiting til getting bigger then It becomes porridge easily.

- So, pour hot water on the compressed oats that are easy to eat, stir a little, and wait until it swells, and it becomes a simple porridge. 

- So, you can easily make oatmeal by pouring hot water over pressed oats, stirring a little, and waiting for it to expand.


대상의 표면에 직접적으로 물을 부을 때는 "pour water on"

대상을 덮는 물을 부을 때는 "pour water over"


귀리죽을 밥 대신 반찬과 함께 먹으면 속이 편하다.

Instead of rice, porridge makes stomach feel better if eat with other side meals.

- Eating oatmeal with side dishes instead of rice is good for your stomach. 

- Eating oatmeal as a side dish instead of rice can be soothing for the stomach.


soothe : 달래다, 진정시키다, 누그러뜨리다


돼지 뒷다리살은 다른 부위에 비해 저렴하다.

Pig rear legs is cheaper than other parts.

- Pork hindquarters are cheaper than other parts. 

- Pork hind leg meat is cheaper compared to other cuts. 


따라서 고기를 먹고 싶을 땐 뒷다리살을 사다가 카레 만들어 먹기도 한다.

So when I wanna eat meats, I make curry with pig rear legs.

- Therefore, when you want to eat meat, you can buy hindquarters and make curry. 

- Therefore, when you want to eat meat, you can buy pork hind leg meat and make curry with it. 


싸게 팔 때는 대량으로 사두고, 조금씩 소분해서 냉동실에 얼려둔다.

When it is very cheap, I buy a lot, subdevide it and put into freezer.

- When it is sold cheaply, buy it in bulk and freeze it in the freezer in small portions

- Sometimes people buy it in bulk when it's sold cheaply and then divide it into smaller portions and freeze it.


냉동 블루베리는 가격이 조금 비싸지만 건강에 좋다.

Frozen blueberry is a little bit expensive but good for health.

- Frozen blueberries are a little expensive, but they are good for your health. 

- Frozen blueberries are a bit more expensive, but they are good for your health. 


아이스크림 대신 먹어도 괜찮을 만큼 맛있다.

It's yummy to have instead of icecream.

- It's tasty enough to eat as a substitute for ice cream. 

- They can be enjoyed as an alternative to ice cream and have a delicious taste. 


다양한 냉동 블루베리 제품을 먹어보았는데, 코스트코에서 파는 것이 제일 알이 굵고 달았다.

I have eaten many different frozen blueberry products, the one from Costco was the most thick and sweetiest.

- I've tried various frozen blueberry products, and the ones sold at Costco are the largest and sweetest. 

- Among various frozen blueberry products, the ones sold at Costco have the plumpest and sweetest berries, 


롯데마트에서 파는 것이 가장 알이 작고 밍밍한 맛이었다.

The one from Lotte mart was the smallest and wateriest.

- The ones sold at Lotte Mart are the smallest and have a bland taste. 

- while those sold at Lotte Mart have smaller and less flavorful ones.


시중에 나와있는 많은 김 제품은 잘려져 나와서 바로 먹기 편하다.

Many Laver product in the market is cut so it's easy to eat right away.

- Many seaweed products on the market are cut off and easy to eat right away. 

- Many seaweed products available in the market come pre-cut and are convenient to eat right away. 


젓가락질에 서툴던 외국인 친구들에게 김을 밥에 싸 먹는 묘기를 보여줬던 기억이 난다.

I remember I showed how to eat rice with laver to foreign friends who wasn't familiar with chapsticks.

- I remember showing the magic of eating seaweed with rice to foreign friends who were clumsy with chopsticks.

- I remember showing foreign friends, who were not familiar with using chopsticks, how to wrap rice with seaweed and eat it


clumsy : 어설픈, 서투른















'English' 카테고리의 다른 글

Study English 23.08.02  (0) 2023.08.03
Study English 23.08.01  (0) 2023.08.02
Study English 23.07.30  (0) 2023.08.01
Study English 23.07.29  (0) 2023.08.01
Study English 23.07.28  (0) 2023.07.29


첫번째 줄 : 한글

두번째 줄 : translation myself

세번째 줄 : google bard

네번째 줄 : chatGPT



그는 기분이 좋은 듯 노래를 불렀다.

He sang a song, looked feeling good.

- He was singing as if he was in a good mood.

- He sang with a cheerful mood,


가사를 틀리지도 않고 흥얼거리면서, 베란다에서 식물들을 돌보았다.

Humming the song with not the wrong lyric, he took care of his plants in his balcony.

- He sang the lyrics without making any mistakes, and he watered the plants on the balcony

- humming the song without getting the lyrics wrong, while taking care of the plants on the veranda


그가 좋아하는 식물은 날이 다르게 푸른 잎들을 틔워냈다.

His favorite plants sprouted many new leaves as time going.

- His favorite plant sprouted green leaves every day. 

- Among the plants he likes, there were blue leaves that bloomed differently depending on the weather. 


뜨거워진 날씨 탓에 말라버린 흙을 조금 만져본 후, 호스를 가져와서 시원하게 물을 뿌렸다.

He fingered the soil which was very dry since the hot weather, took a hose to spread cool water.

- After touching the dry soil due to the hot weather, he brought a hose and watered it coolly

- Due to the hot weather, he touched the slightly dried soil, and then brought a hose to water the plants to cool them down


한 두 방울이 여기까지 튀었고 나는 렌즈에 묻은 물방울을 닦아냈다.

Some water drops spattered here and I wipped drops on my lens.

- A few drops splashed here and there, and I wiped the water droplets off the lens.

- A few drops splashed up to this point, and I wiped the water droplets off the lens. 


물을 뿌리고 나서 그는 그의 개를 불렀다.

After spraying water, he called his dog.

- After watering, he called his dog. 

- After watering the plants, he called his dog. 


항상 주던 간식 대신 오늘은 전과 다른 간식을 꺼내어 먹였다.

He fed it new food instead the food which he always fed.

- Instead of the usual snack, he gave him a different snack today. 

- Instead of the usual treats, he brought out different treats and fed the dog. 


개의 이름까지 알고 있는 나는 망원경을 만지작거리며 첫 만남의 추억을 떠올렸다.

I who know even his dog's name fingered my telescope and came up with the memory to meet him first.

- I knew the name of the dog, and I remembered the memory of our first meeting while fiddling with the telescope.

- Knowing the dog's name, I fidgeted with the binoculars and recalled the memories of our first meeting. 


그 청년은 지난 해 겨울 우리집 앞으로 이사왔다.

The guy moved in front of my house last winter.

- The young man moved in front of our house last winter. 

- That young man moved in front of our house last winter. 


개를 산책시키며 마주쳤던 공원에서 처음 만났고, 환하게 웃는 그의 모습에서 나는 운명을 느꼈다.

We met first in the park when we walked with dogs, I felt destiny looking at his bright smile.

- I met him for the first time in the park where we met while walking our dogs, and I felt my fate from his smiling face. 

- We first met while walking the dog at the park, and I felt fate from his bright smile. 


다행히 오늘은 커튼을 치지 않았다.

Thankfully he didnt close the curtain.

- Fortunately, he didn't draw the curtains today.

- Luckily, the curtains were not drawn tonight. 


그래서 그를 밤새 지켜볼 수 있게 되었다.

So I'm able to watch him all night.

- So I was able to watch him all night.

- As a result, I could stay up all night watching him. 


내일은 휴가를 써야겠다.

I'm gonna use my annual leave.

- I need to take a day off tomorrow.

- I guess I'll take a day off tomorrow.


위와 같은 글을 쓰고, AI 에게 '내가 무엇을 하고 있는 중일까?' 라고 물어보았다.

I worte down the text above, and asked AI 'What am i doing now?'

- I wrote the same text and asked the AI, "What am I doing?"

- The above passage was written,


Bard 와 ChatGPT 둘 다 '나'가 누구인지, 무엇인지 이해를 못 하더라.

Both of Bard and ChatGPT didn't understand who I am and what I am doing.

- Bard and ChatGPT both didn't understand who I was or what I was doing.

- both Bard and ChatGPT couldn't understand who 'I' am or what I am doing. 


추리를 못하는 걸 보니, 아직 AI 는 갈 길이 멀다.

As AI can't infer, AI should be developed more.

- I think AI still has a long way to go since it can't make inferences.

- Seeing that they couldn't deduce, it seems that AI still has a long way to go.


deduce : 추론[추정]하다 (=infer)








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