IT 분야 빈출 어휘
This command retrieves data associated with a message in the server.
Associate with : ~와 연관짓다
retrieve : 검색하다
This status code indicates that the server doesn't send any responses.
Indicate : 명시하다, 의미하다
This documentation is primarily intended for software developers.
Intend for : ~을 위한 용도이다. ~을 대상으로 한다.
primarily : 주로
The server also sends a particular status code.
Particular : 특정한. 특정한 하나 라는 의미를 강조함
Users will be required to log in before they enter data.
Require : 요구하다
This software requirements specification describes what the software is supposed to do.
Specification(=spec) : 사양, 사양서
Passwords must be encryped as described in Section 8.
as described in ~ : ~에 설명된 것처럼
User's comments, if any, maybe included in the data. 사용자 의견은 (만약 있다면) 데이터에 포함된다
if any : (만약 있다면)
All user data must be saved prior to displaying a graph.
prior to ~ : ~보다 앞서
This may results in a loss of data.
result in : ~라는 결과를 낳다.
Given your existing code, you could change it this way.
Given : ~를 가정하면, ~을 생각해보면
existing code : 기존 코드
You can use parentheses to group items or capture matches.
Parenthesis : 괄호
Parentheses: 괄호들
How to use placeholder to format a string in Android?
Placeholder : 자리표시자 (문자나 이미지 등의 요소가 들어갈 자리에 임시로 채워놓는 내용물)
To quote some interesting pars from the book....
Quote : 인용하다
What is the scope of a variable in Javascript?
Scope : 범위
프로그래밍에서 scope 는 어떤 변수나 함수가 유효한 범위
As of today, the latest version is 3.6.2 오늘부로
As of ~ : ~부로, ~시점에
How come certain buttons are not displayed?????
how come : 어떻게, 왜 (= why)
In a nutshell, that is not possible...
in a nutshell : 요컨대, 간단히 말하면
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