아래 유튜브에서 내게 필요한 내용 필기
He is ready to pick on me for no reason.
Pick on : 비난하다
She always picks on her friends.
Pick on : 괴롭히다
Stick around, I need your help.
Stick around : (어떤 곳에서) 가지 않고 머무르다.
She talked me into going to the party together.
Talk into : 설득하다
I will see if I can talk some sense into her.
Talk into : ~하게 하다
알아듣게 타이를께
Everyone left, but I choose to stay behind.
Stay behind : (뒤에) 남다, 출발하지 않다
Please stay behind the safety line!
Stay behind : (특정 위치) 뒤에 머무르다
Do you want to come over after work?
Come over : 방문하다, 찾아오다
우리집 올래?
Please keep it down!!!
Keep down : 낮추다, 조용히하다
Don't stir up trouble 문제를 일으키지 마
Stir up nostalgia. 향수를 일으키다
Stir up : (문제, 향수 등)을 일으키다
The origin of Halloween is to ward off evil spirits.
Ward off : 물리치다, 피하다, 방어하다
The expectations of others can often weigh a person down.
Weigh down : 부담되게 하다, 마음을 누르다
Bottles and debris washed up on the shore.
Wash up : (바다, 강에 떠내려가서 어떤 장소에) 도달하다
debris : 잔해, 쓰레기
shore : 기슭
His behavior really cut her up.
Cut up : (물리적으로, 정서적으로) 상처를 주다
He always cuts up in class.
Cut up : 장난치다, 농담하다
The festival kicked off with a parade.
Kick off : (행사, 이벤트, 경기를) 시작하다
I don't have work tomorrow, so I'm gonna sleep in.
Sleep in : 늦게까지 자다, 늦잠자다
The hurricane wiped out entire villages.
Wipe out : (대규모 파괴, 소멸) 완전히 파괴하다, 없애다
Scroll down to see more content.
Scroll up/down : 화면을 올리다/내리다
I need to change my password; I think I've been hacked into.
Hack into : (~에) 침투하다
As night fell, the noises of the city began to die away.
Die away : 서서히 사라지다, 잦아들다
night fell : 밤이 오다
nightfall : 해질녘(=dust)
I need to draw out some cash from the ATM.
Draw out : 인출하다(=withdraw)
입금하다 : deposit, put in
The meeting was drawn out for another hour.
Draw out : (평상시보다 혹은 필요 이상으로 ~을) 길게 하다, 길게 끌다
Winter seems to be setting in early this year.....
Set in : 시작되다, 찾아오다
We set aside some money for rainy days.
Set aside : 따로 빼두다.
for rainy days : 비상시를 위해
The court set aside the previous verdict.
Set aside : 취소하다, 무시하다
verdict : 판결
Set aside the leftovers in the fridge.
Set aside : 저장하다, 보관하다
He couldn't shake off his anxiety.
He couldn't shake off his worries about the future....
Shake off : 감정이나 생각을 버리다.
She managed to shake off the reporters who were following her.
Shake off : ~를 따돌리다
manage to : ~하도록 애쓰다
When he saw the police coming, he run off...!!
Run off : 급히 달아나다
Online sales account for 20% of our company's total revenue.
Account for : (비율, 수량 등을) 차지하다, 설명하다
revenue : 수익
No worries, I won't let on your secret!
Let on : (비밀 등을) 말하다
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