아래 유튜브에서 내게 필요한 내용 필기




I've been feeing run down lately.

Run down : 체력이 떨어지다, 건강이 나빠지다


She cashed in her stocks.

Cash in : 현금화하다


Could you step back a bit?

Step back : (몇 발자국 정도) 뒤로 물러서다


Can everyone please move back?

Move back : (넓은 범위만큼) 뒤로 이동하다


The meeting has been moved back to 3pm.

Move back : 일정이나 계획을 뒤로 미루다


Please come forward when named.

Come forward : 앞으로 나오다


After the news report aired, several witnesses came forward.

Come forward : 나서다, 나타나다

news report aired : 뉴스 보도가 나가다


Don't cut in line, please line up.

Cut in : 끼어들다


Never give out personal information.

Give out : 누설하다, 공개하다


Don't worry, hair grows back fast.

Grow back : 다시 자라나다


We have to do away with outdated laws.

Do away with : 없애다, 폐지하다


You should do away with such stereotypes.

Do away with : (~을) 버리다.


I got stood up by my boyfriend.

Stand up : 바람 맞다, 바람 맞히다


I wish I could turn back time.

Turn back : 되돌리다


We need to keep our expenses down this month.

Keep down : 억제하다, 제어하다


I'm so sick, I can't keep down even water.

Keep down : (음식 등을) 소화하다.


Keep your head down while playing golf.

Keep down : 낮추다


The doctor told him to cut down on his drinking.

Cut down on : 줄이다

"cut out" : 완전히 중단하거나 제거하는 것을 의미

"cut back on" : 덜 하거나 먹거나 사용하도록 노력하는 것을 의미

"cut donw on" : 더 적은 양이나 더 짧은 빈도로 하려는 것을 의미. 이 뉘앙스를 구분할 수 있는 날이 오길.


It can't be ruled out entirely.

Rule out : 배제하다


There was a major shake-up in the goverment organization.

Shake-up : (정부, 기업, 조직 등의) 대대적인 개편, 개혁


It took time for me to settle in at my new job.

Settle in : 적응하다


The two companies teamed up to develop a new product.

Team up : 협력하다


The shock from that time has not worn off yet..

Wear off : 사라지다, 없어지다


He came into a large inheritance.

Come into : (~을) 물려받다


The new law comes into effect tomorrow.

Come into : 적용되다, 사용되다, 시행되다

effect : 효력, 영향


Don't fall for flattery.

Fall for : (~에) 속다


Keep out! this area is restricted.

Keep out : (~에) 들어가지 않게 하다

Keep off : 멀리하다, 피하다

Keep out of reach of children.

Keep out of : (~에) 접근하지 않게 하다


Kepp away from direct sunlight.

Keep away from : (~로 부터) 피하다


Time went by so fast.

I've been so busy I didn't even notice the years go by.

Go by : 지나가다


His name is Jonathan, but he goes by Jone.

In the online community, I got by the usrname 'eyeballs'

Go by : 어떤 이름이나 별명으로 불리다


If we go by age, I'm the oldest person here. 나이로 따지면

Go by : 따르다


When you drive, you must go by the traffic regulation.

Go by : 따르다, 준수하다

traffic regulation : 교통법규


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