아래 유튜브에서 내게 필요한 내용 필기
A fire broke out in the building.
Break out : (갑작스럽게) 발생하다
I broke out in a rash on my face!!
Break out : 뾰루지, 발진 등이 돋다
rash : 발진
pimple : 여드름
Protests broke out in the city.
Korean war broke out in 1950
Break out : (전쟁, 시위 등이) 일어나다, 터지다
protest : 시위
He broke out of jail.
Break out : (~에서) 달아나다, 벗어나다
"Break out" : 어떤 제약, 고립, 또는 어려운 상황에서 벗어나려는 뉘앙스
종종 감옥, 병원, 군사적인 상황 등에서 사용되며, 특히 구금 또는 제약된 상황을 벗어나려고 할 때 사용
예문 : "The prisoners tried to break out of the jail last night."
"Run away" : 주로 더 일반적인 상황에서 사용되며, 어떤 장소나 상황을 떠나는 것을 나타냄
흔히 어린이가 집을 떠나거나, 동물이 주인 집을 떠나는 경우 등
"Run away"는 떠남을 더 강조하고 특별한 제약 상황에 국한되지 않음
예문 : "The child decided to run away from home."
The up to date dance is starting to catch on 유행하기 시작!
Catch on : 유행하다, 인기를 얻다
old-fashioned : 구식의 (=old, outdated)
up to date : 최신의 (=latest, new)
I decided to drop out of college and trust that it would all work out OK
Drop out : 중퇴하다
Let's eat out tonight.
Eat out : 외식하다
They fell out over a small thing.
Fall out over : (~ 로) 다투다
A button fell out of my shirt.
A spot fell out of his face.
The page fell out of the book.
Fall out of : (~에서) 떨어지다
Don't fill up your stomach on snacks before dinner.
Fill up : 가득 채우다
Please sit back and relax.
Sit back : 편히 앉다
I want to get away somewhere for the weekend.
Get away : 벗어나다
He got away with cheating on the test.
Get away with : (처벌 없이) 그냥 넘어가다
Don't try to get back at the manage. It's not worth it at all.
Get back at : (~에게) 복수하다
He finally got over his ex.
Get over : (~을) 극복하다
He ran over a streetlight.
Run over : (차로) 치다.
Can we run over today's schedule?
Run over : 대강 훑어보다.
We need to get along now if we want to catch the movie on time!
Get along : 떠나다 (진행하다)
"Head off" : 어떤 장소로 떠나 가는 것, 특히 출발점에서 다른 장소로 이동하는 상황을 의미
예문 : "I'm going to head off to the airport"
그리고 ChatCPT 는 get along 에 '떠나다'라는 의미가 없다고 큰 소리를 쳤다....
사전에 이리도 당당하게 나와있는데
We will sort out the paper by tomorrow.
Sort out : (~을) 정리하다, 처리하다
If you stick to the plan, everything will work out!
Stick to : (~를) 계속하다, 지키다
He took apart his computer to fix it.
Take apart : (~을) 분해하다, 분리하다
He tore up the letter after reading it.
Tear up : (~을) 찢다.
If I think back, I realize I made a mistake.
Think back : (과거를) 회상하다, 돌이켜 생각하다
"think back" : 과거를 기억하고 생각하는 것에 중점을 둠
예문 : Think back to your childhood 네 어릴 적으로 돌아가 생각해 봐
"look back" : 과거를 평가하고 그로부터 얻는 교훈에 중점을 둠
예문 : As we look back on the past year, we can see the progress we've made
작년을 돌아보면 우리가 얼마나 진전을 이루었는지 볼 수 있어
He decided not to pass up the job offer.
Pass up : (기회 등을) 놓치다, 포기하다
He pointed out my mistake.
Point out : 지적하다, 언급하다
The pain in my knee went away.
Go away : 가라앉다, 사라지다
I am going through a difficult time at work right now....
Go through : 경험하다, 겪다
They set about painting the walls in the living room.
Set about : 시작하다
Thankfully he started to come round and open his eyes.
Come round : (의식, 상태가) 회복되다
The alarm went off and the people got out of the building.
Ran away from the building as much as fast!
Go off : 알람이 울리다
His unique fashion stands out in a crowd.
Stand out : 돋보이다, 두드러지다.
They are moving out of this place next month.
Move in, Move out : 이사오다, 이사가다
He got his point across during the meeting.
Get across : (~을) 전달하다
We put off the meeting.
Put off : 연기하다
They put together the phone.
Put together : 조립하다, 만들다
I couldn't put up with manager's behavior.
Put up with : 참다, 견디다
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