아래 유튜브에서 내게 필요한 내용 필기
I knew you will pull it off!
Pull off : 해내다, 성사시키다
I need to cut back on sugar for my health.....
Cut back on : ~를 줄이다
Please don't hang up, stay on the line.
Hang up : 전화를 끊다.
The army called up the reserves.
Call up : 소집하다, 불러내다
reserves : 예비군
Feel free to jump in if you have any ideas.
Jump in : (활동, 대화에) 참여하다, 끼어들다
I used up all my data for this month.
Use up : 모두 사용하다
My phone is acting up, it keeps freezing.
Act up : 제대로 작동하지 않다.
The kid takes after her mother in looks and personality.
take after : ~를 닮다.
I'm not acting out, I'm just expressing my feelings.
Act out : 반항하다, 말썽피우다, 버릇없이 굴다
Feel free to shop around before buying a car.
Shop around : 여기저기 둘러보다
If everyon chips in, we can finish the project on time!
Chip in : 협조를 하다, 도움을 주다
I'm aiming at immigration next year.
Aim at : (~의) 달성을 목표로 삼다, ~를 겨낭하다.
Even though she felt sick, she carried on with her speech.
Carry on with : (힘들지만 참고) ~을 계속하다
He carried on with the family business.
Carry on : (하던 일을) 계속 이어가다.
The strange rumor is going around the neighborhood.
Wuhan virus has gone around the world since 2019.
Go around : (뉴스, 소문, 질병 등이) 퍼지다, 돌다
I messed up the presentation, I wish I could do it over.
Do over : 다시 하다, 개선하다
Eat up the salad, don't leave anything.
Eat up : (~을) 다 먹다
I just ate up my time for nothing.
Eat up : (시간, 자원을) 소모하다, 사용하다
You burden me now, please don't fuss over me so that I don't feel burdened
Fuss over : (~에게 지나칠 정도로) 신경쓰다, 관심을 보이다
Don't fuss over it, you'll pull it off regardless of that.
Fuss over : (하찮은 것으로) 걱정하다, 신경쓰다
regardless of : ~에 상관없이
I can't make out what you are saying.
Make out : 알아듣다, 알아보다
The doctor asked me to follow up in a month.
Follow up : 후속 조치하다
한 달 후에 재검진 받으러 오세용
The follow-up wans't as good as the original.
Please open the email to check follow-up instructions.
Follow-up : 후속 (명사), 후속의 (형용사)
"Hold up" : 주로 어떤 일이나 계획을 지연시키거나 중단시킬 때 사용
예를 들어, "Hold up the meeting"은 회의를 지연시키거나 중단시키는 것을 의미
"Hold on" (="Hang on") : 대화 중에 또는 어떤 작업을 수행하면서 잠시 기다릴 때 사용
예를 들어, 전화통화 중에 상대방에게 말할 때 "Hold on, please"
The train is being held up.
It's been held up at customs.
The traffic accident ahead is holding up the entire highway.
I'm sorry I'm late; something unexpected held me up at work.
The bad weather can hold up our flight, so be prepared for delays.
The construction on the road is expected to hold up for another month.
Hold up : (어떤 것이나 상황이 예정대로 진행되지 않고 지연되는 경우) 지연되다
customs : 세관
She was laid off yesterday.
Lay off : 정리해고하다
Can you turn over bbq?
Turn over : 뒤집다
You need to line up to buy tickets.
Line up : 줄을 서다
I mixed up the dates and missed the appointment...!
Mix up : 혼동하다, 뒤섞다
Please pass on my regards to your family.
Pass on : (정보, 메세지, 물건 등을 다른 사람에게) 전달하다
regards : 안부
I'll pass on the dessert, I'm full.
Pass on : 사양하다, 거절하다
"pass on" : 더 간단하거나 선택적인 거절
"turn down" : 좀 더 공식적이고 명확한 방식의 거절
The rumor quickly passed on throughout the company.
Pass on : 퍼지다, 전파되다, 옮기다
She decided to take up exercise for her health.
Take up : 시작하다
The sofa takes up too much space.
Take up : 차지하다
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