AI 에 대해 장황한 이야기를 했더니, 너무 양이 많아져서 힘들었다.
After the long story about AI, it made me feel hard because the amount was huge.
- I talked about AI in a long-winded way, but it was too much work.
- After sharing elaborate stories about AI, it became too overwhelming due to the excessive volume.
long-winded : 길고 지루한, 장황한
elaborate : 정교한, 정성들인
overwhelming : 압도적인
excessive : 지나친, 과도한
그래서 이제 양을 좀 적당히 줄이려고 한다.
So I'm going to adjust the amount.
- So now I'm going to try to reduce the amount.
- So now, I'll try to reduce the quantity a bit.
운동에 관한 이야기를 해보자.
Let me talk about excercising.
- Let's talk about exercise. (not excercising)
- Let's talk about exercise.
어렸을 때는 어른들이나 선배들한테 자주 들었던 이야기가 있다.
When I was young, adults and seniors told me a story many times.
- When I was a kid, I often heard stories from adults and seniors.
- When I was young, I often heard stories from adults or seniors that
어떤 나이가 되면 건강이 급속도로 악화된다고 했다.
Our health is going to be bad fast at a certain age.
- They said that at a certain age, health deteriorates rapidly.
- as you age, your health deteriorates rapidly.
deteriorate : 악화되다, 더 나빠지다
나는 아직 그 나이가 오지 않은 것인지, 아직 건강이 악화되었다고 느끼진 않는다.
I don't feel my health is bad now, I guess I don't get older at the age.
- I don't know if I haven't reached that age yet, but I don't feel like my health has deteriorated yet.
- I'm not at that age yet, and I don't feel my health has declined.
decline : 감소, 줄어들다, 거절하다
하지만 건강이 항상 좋을 순 없을 것이고, 그 나이도 언젠가 올테니, 꾸준히 운동을 해서 건강을 미리 챙겨두려고 한다.
But my health is not always good and I will be at the age someday, so I'm going to keep my good health by working out.
- However, health cannot always be good, and that age will come someday, so I want to keep my health in check by exercising regularly.
- However, I understand that health may not always be at its best, and that age will come eventually. So, I'm determined to consistently exercise and take care of my health in advance.
밤마다 공원에서 달리기를 하고, 헬스장 가서 근력 운동을 한다.
Every nights I run in a park and go to the gym to working out.
- I run in the park every night and do strength training at the gym.
- I run at the park every night and do strength training at the gym.
꾸준히 운동하다보면, 건강은 물론이거니와 몸도 좋아져서 거울 볼 때마다 자신감을 갖을 수 있겠지.
If I keep working out, I will have good health and also get confident every time I see me myself throught a mirror.
- If I keep exercising regularly, my health will improve, and my body will improve, and I will be able to feel confident every time I look in the mirror.
- By exercising regularly, not only will my health improve, but my body will also become better, giving me confidence whenever I look in the mirror.
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