어제는 AI 에 대한 긍적적인 이야기를 했는데, 오늘은 부정적이고 암울한 이야기를 하려고 한다.
I talked about a positive aspect of AI yesterday, but today I'm going to talk about a negative and sad aspect.
Yesterday, I talked about the positive aspects of AI. Today, I would like to talk about the negative and dark aspects of AI.
Yesterday, I shared positive stories about AI, but today, I want to talk about negative and gloomy aspects.
지난번 말한대로, AI 의 지혜는 빅데이터로부터 나온다.
As I mention last time, AI's wisdom comes from bigdata.
As I said last time, the wisdom of AI comes from big data.
As mentioned before, AI's intelligence comes from big data.
즉, AI 의 품질은 데이터에 따라 달라진다.
It means, AI's quality depends on data.
In other words, the quality of AI depends on the data.
In other words, the quality of AI depends on the data it learns from.
AI 가 어떤 데이터를 학습하느냐에 따라 결과가 달라지는데, 문제는 그 데이터라는 것에 있다.
The result output from AI is different by what data AI trains and a problem is data itself.
The results of AI will vary depending on the data it learns. The problem is the data itself.
The problem lies in the data itself.
소수의 집단만 접근 가능한 데이터가 있다면?
What if there is data only a few people can use or access to?
If only a small group of people have access to data?
If there is data accessible only to a small group,
그리고 그 데이터를 기반으로 학습한 AI 가 있다면?
and AI trains with the data?
And if there is AI that has learned from that data?
and an AI is trained based on that data,
데이터에 접근할 수 있느냐에 따라 AI 빈부격차가 발생 할 것이다.
There will be a rich poor gap based on possibility to use the data or not.
AI inequality will occur depending on whether or not you can access to the data.
an AI wealth gap will emerge.
inequality : 불평등, 불균등
대다수의 사람들은 평범한 수준의 AI 를 이용하고, 소수의 집단만이 돈과 인맥으로 정보를 많이 갖게 되고 더 품질 좋은 AI 를 누릴 것이다.
Most people would use regular AI systems and only a few people or groups could use better quality AI systems with their money and human network.
Most people will use ordinary AI, and a small group of people will have a lot of information with money and connections, and will enjoy better quality AI.
Most people will have access to ordinary AI, while a select few with money and connections will enjoy the benefits of superior AI.
superior : 상급의, 우수한
inferior : 하위의, 열등한
만약 누군가가 AI 를 조종할 수 있다면?
What if It's possible to control AI?
If someone can control AI?
If someone can control AI,
AI 는 삶 속에서 보편적으로 사용 될 것이고, AI 의 도움을 오랫동안 받아온 사람들은 AI 가 하는 말이라면 일단 믿고 볼 것이다.
AI will be used in human life generally and people who have gotten help from AI for a long time would trust whatever AI says at first.
AI will be used universally in life, and people who have been helped by AI for a long time will believe and see what AI says.
it will become universally present in people's lives, and those who have relied on AI's assistance will be inclined to trust and follow what the AI says.
incline to : ~하는 경향이 있는 (=tend to)
대다수의 사람들이 사용하는 AI 에게 잘못된 정보를 주어 가짜 뉴스나 음모 등을 퍼뜨린다면?
What if someone gives AI which most people use wrong information so that AI spread fake news or plot?
If you give false information to AI that most people use, and spread fake news or conspiracy theories?
What if the majority misinforms the AI used by many with fake news or conspiracies?
misinform : 잘못된 정보를 주다
국가 단위로 사람들을 가스라이팅 할 수 있게 될 것이다.
It could do gaslighting people by contry.
It will be possible to gaslight people on a national scale.
It could lead to gaslighting at a national level.
만약 그렇다면, 직접 시시비비를 가릴 수 있는 능력이 필요할 수 있겠다.
If so, we sould have a skill to judge the truth or false.
If so, it may be necessary to have the ability to distinguish between right and wrong.
If that happens, we may need the ability to scrutinize information directly.
정보의 사유화, 정보의 소유권 및 저작권 분쟁, 정보의 가치 상승으로 인한 화폐화 등 그야말로 정보 전쟁이 발발 할 것이다.
privatization of info, ownership and copyright of info, monetization from rising value of info, 'information war' would brake out.
Information wars will break out, such as privatization of information, disputes over ownership and copyright of information, and monetization due to the increase in the value of information.
This could lead to information wars, where information is rationalized, owned, and copyrighted, and its value becomes currency.
break out : 발발하다
AI 및 AI 가 심어진 기계를 악용하는 사람도 생길 것이다.
There will be some who makes bad use of AI and machines with AI.
There will also be people who abuse AI and machines implanted with AI.
People may misuse AI and AI-powered machines,
예를 들어 해킹하는 AI 를 만든다거나, AI 에게 완벽한 범죄 계획을 물어본다거나, AI 기계를 멀리서 조종하여 대신 범죄를 저지른다거나 등
For instance, creating hacker AI, asking AI perfect plans of crime, commiting crime controlling AI machines but user will be far away.
For example, creating a hacking AI, asking AI for a perfect crime plan, or controlling AI machines from a distance to commit crimes instead.
creating hacking AIs, asking AI for perfect crime plans, remotely controlling AI machines to commit crimes, and so on.
AI 가 반란을 일으켜 인간들을 지배한다는 이야기가 있다.
There is a rumor saying AI revolts and conquers humans.
There is a story that AI will rebel and rule humans.
There are stories about AI rebelling and dominating humans,
revolt : 폭력적인 반란
rebel : 비폭력적인 반란
글쎄, 나쁜 사람들이 일부러 AI 에게 명령하지 않는 이상에야, AI 가 스스로 반란을 일으키지는 않을 것 같다.
Well, unless bad people order AI, AI wouldn't revolt by itself.
Well, it seems that AI will not rebel on its own unless bad people deliberately command AI.
but unless bad actors intentionally command AI to do so, I don't think AI will spontaneously revolt.
deliberately : 고의로, 의도적으로 (=intentionally)
deliberate : 고의의, 의도[계획]적인 (=intentional, planned)
spontaneously : 자발적으로
AI 가 스스로 생각하는 것 처럼 보이지만, 나는 그렇게 생각하지 않는다.
AI looks like it thinks on its own, but I don't think so.
Although AI seems to think for itself, I do not think so.
While AI may seem like it thinks for itself, I don't believe that to be true.
AI 는 그냥 넣어준 input(질문) 에 output(답)만 내놓는 함수에 불과하기 때문.
AI is just a function showing an output from input.
This is because AI is just a function that only outputs answers to the input (question) given.
AI is merely a function that provides output (answers) based on input (questions) given to it.
merely : 단지, 한낱
AI 의 가능성은 무궁무진하기 때문에, AI 의 발전과 더불어 AI 법도 같이 발전해야 하겠다.
AI posibility is infinite so laws for AI should be evolved with AI's evloution.
Because the potential of AI is limitless, AI laws must also develop along with the development of AI.
Due to the boundless potential of AI, we need to develop AI laws in tandem with AI advancement.
boundless : 끝없는, 한없는
in tandem with : ~와 동시에, 나란히
AI 가 만들어 갈 긍정적인 미래를 기대해본다.
I look forward to a positive future from AI.
I look forward to the positive future that AI will create.
Despite the challenges, I still look forward to the positive future that AI will create.
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