IT 분야 빈출 어휘


This message will be invoked prior to render() method.

Invoke : 호출하다

prior to : 앞서, 먼저

prior notice : 사전 공지


You can pass an array of user names as the first argument.

Pass : 전달하다


This is a legal agreement between you and ABC Inc.

Agreement : 합의, 계약, 협약


You should comply with all applicable laws.

Applicable : 해당되는, 적용되는

comply with : 지키다, 준수하다


If you breach the Agreement, ABC terminates your account.

breach : (계약 등을) 파기하다, 위반하다


You may not use the service in any manner or for any purpose other than as expressly permitted by the agreement.

Expressly : 명시적으로

Express : 명시적인

expressly permitted : 명시적으로 허용하는


ABC disclaims any express or implied warranty.

Impliedly : 암묵적으로, 은연중에

Implied : 묵시적인, 암묵적인


Extent : 범위, 한도

To the maimum extent : 최대한의 범위


Each party will protect the other party's confidential info.

Party : 당사자

confidential : 비밀의


You will comply with any of these restriction.

Restriction : 제한, 제약, 제약사항


You may stop using the service at any time for any reason.

At any time for any reason : 언제 어떤 이유로든


ABC will use the info in accordance with our privacy policy.

in accordance with : (규칙, 법률 등)에 따라서

accordingto : (어떠한 정보)에 따르면


In the event of a dispute, don't fight..

in the event of : ~의 경우에는

dispute : 분쟁


Please send your request via email or slack.

Via : (연결 수단)을 통해


"Via" : 경유지나 수단을 강조

예문 : I'm traveling to Paris via London. Please send me the document via email.

"through" : 통과나 관통을 강조

예문 : I walked through the forest. He saw her through the window.


I'm following up on my previous email. 이전 메일 확인중

Follow up on : ~을 추적(해서 확인)하다, 후속 조치를 취하다


You can learn more about our service at this Wiki page.

More about : ~에 대해 더..!


I'd like to reach out to you to let you know about our campaign.

Reach out to : ~에 연락하다





'English' 카테고리의 다른 글

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Study English 23.08.27 구동사 모음7  (1) 2023.09.09


HDFS 내 여러 파일을 선택하고 싶을 때,

다음과 같은 와일드 카드 wild card 를 사용하여 여러 파일을 선택 가능




이렇게 사용하는 것을 패턴 매칭, globbing, 와일드 카드 라고 부름

이것은 정규표현식과 조금 다름


위키피디아에 설명히 잘 되어있어서 가져옴 

위키피디아에서는 유닉스 환경에서 사용할 수 있다고 함



IT 분야 빈출 어휘


The app was automatically updated.

Automatically : 자동으로


Your account has been configured properly.

configure : 구성하다, 설정하다

configuration : 구성


Click to dismiss the window.

Dismiss : 닫다, 없애다.


A new entry has been added.

Entry : 입력 항목


Do you want to replace the existing photo?

existing : 기존의


No incoming messages.

Imcoming : 수신, 착신


You cannot use multiple parameters.

Multiple : 다수의, 복수의


Tap here to toggle between the modes.

Toggle : 전환하다


An error occurred while connecting to the server.


Check for updates now. 

check for : ~의 유무, 여부를 확인하다


It's recommended that you save the message before continuing.


More than one item is selected.

more than one : 복수의, 다수의


Bump version to 1.2.3

Bump : (버전 번호를) 올리다


Enable automatic network switching.

Enable : 가능하게 하다


Implement a support function to parse HTML!

Implement : 구현하다


Introduce a new Helper class!

Introduce : 도입하다


Remove redundant parentheses!

Redundant : 중복되는, 여분의, 불필요한

parenthesis : 괄호


Fixed syntax errors in the example.

Syntax : 프로그래밍 문법, 구문


Tweaked some error messages.

Tweak : 세부 수정하다


Fixed a typo in file

Typo : 입력 실수, 오타


Remove external libraries in favor of standard classes.

in favor of : ~을 위해, 우선적으로, 유리하게


This should make it easier to run tests.


Made it possible to log error messages.


Add a test to make sure that strings are properly inserted.


Use a colon rather than a semicolon.

rather than : ~ 보다는, ~이 아니라


This method is no longer supported.

'English' 카테고리의 다른 글

Study English 23.08.31  (0) 2023.09.15
Study English 23.08.30  (0) 2023.09.14
Study English 23.08.28 구동사 모음8  (1) 2023.09.12
Study English 23.08.27 구동사 모음7  (1) 2023.09.09
Study English 23.08.26 구동사 모음6  (0) 2023.09.09

아래 유튜브에서 내게 필요한 내용 필기 



I've been feeing run down lately.

Run down : 체력이 떨어지다, 건강이 나빠지다


She cashed in her stocks.

Cash in : 현금화하다


Could you step back a bit?

Step back : (몇 발자국 정도) 뒤로 물러서다


Can everyone please move back?

Move back : (넓은 범위만큼) 뒤로 이동하다


The meeting has been moved back to 3pm.

Move back : 일정이나 계획을 뒤로 미루다


Please come forward when named.

Come forward : 앞으로 나오다


After the news report aired, several witnesses came forward.

Come forward : 나서다, 나타나다

news report aired : 뉴스 보도가 나가다


Don't cut in line, please line up.

Cut in : 끼어들다


Never give out personal information.

Give out : 누설하다, 공개하다


Don't worry, hair grows back fast.

Grow back : 다시 자라나다


We have to do away with outdated laws.

Do away with : 없애다, 폐지하다


You should do away with such stereotypes.

Do away with : (~을) 버리다.


I got stood up by my boyfriend.

Stand up : 바람 맞다, 바람 맞히다


I wish I could turn back time.

Turn back : 되돌리다


We need to keep our expenses down this month.

Keep down : 억제하다, 제어하다


I'm so sick, I can't keep down even water.

Keep down : (음식 등을) 소화하다.


Keep your head down while playing golf.

Keep down : 낮추다


The doctor told him to cut down on his drinking.

Cut down on : 줄이다

"cut out" : 완전히 중단하거나 제거하는 것을 의미

"cut back on" : 덜 하거나 먹거나 사용하도록 노력하는 것을 의미

"cut donw on" : 더 적은 양이나 더 짧은 빈도로 하려는 것을 의미. 이 뉘앙스를 구분할 수 있는 날이 오길.


It can't be ruled out entirely.

Rule out : 배제하다


There was a major shake-up in the goverment organization.

Shake-up : (정부, 기업, 조직 등의) 대대적인 개편, 개혁


It took time for me to settle in at my new job.

Settle in : 적응하다


The two companies teamed up to develop a new product.

Team up : 협력하다


The shock from that time has not worn off yet..

Wear off : 사라지다, 없어지다


He came into a large inheritance.

Come into : (~을) 물려받다


The new law comes into effect tomorrow.

Come into : 적용되다, 사용되다, 시행되다

effect : 효력, 영향


Don't fall for flattery.

Fall for : (~에) 속다


Keep out! this area is restricted.

Keep out : (~에) 들어가지 않게 하다

Keep off : 멀리하다, 피하다

Keep out of reach of children.

Keep out of : (~에) 접근하지 않게 하다


Kepp away from direct sunlight.

Keep away from : (~로 부터) 피하다


Time went by so fast.

I've been so busy I didn't even notice the years go by.

Go by : 지나가다


His name is Jonathan, but he goes by Jone.

In the online community, I got by the usrname 'eyeballs'

Go by : 어떤 이름이나 별명으로 불리다


If we go by age, I'm the oldest person here. 나이로 따지면

Go by : 따르다


When you drive, you must go by the traffic regulation.

Go by : 따르다, 준수하다

traffic regulation : 교통법규


'English' 카테고리의 다른 글

Study English 23.08.30  (0) 2023.09.14
Study English 23.08.29  (0) 2023.09.12
Study English 23.08.27 구동사 모음7  (1) 2023.09.09
Study English 23.08.26 구동사 모음6  (0) 2023.09.09
Study English 23.08.25 구동사 모음5  (0) 2023.09.08


아래 유튜브에서 내게 필요한 내용 필기 



I'm not in any mood to fool around

Fool around : 노닥거리다, 장난치다, 놀다


Could you free up some time this evening for me?

Free up : 비우다


Can you hook up my computer to the network?

Hook up : 연결하다

Hook up : 만나다


He took on a new project.

Take on : 맡다

"take on" : 보통 간단하고 덜 격식있는 일반적인 작업이나 업무를 시작하는 데 사용

"undertake" : 공식적이거나 중요한 작업을 시작하거나 수행하는 데 사용


She wasn't afraid to take on challenges!

Take on : 도전하다


I didn't plan on upsetting your feelings...

I don't plan on doing any of that. 그럴 맘이 전혀 없어

I didn't plan on doing so. 일부러 한 거 아님

Plan on : 계획하다


It's all cooked, Let's DIG IN!!!

Dig in : 먹기 시작하다


Ease up and listen to me..!

Ease up : 여유를 갖다, 완화되다


She couldn't take in the breakup.

Take in : 받아들이다


Could you take in the length?

Take in : 줄이다


Sometimes, I can't take in her behavior.

Take in : 이해하다


He finally faced up to his lies and apologized.

He had to face up to his defeat.

Face up to reality as it is.

Face up to : (힘들거나 불편한 상황을) 인정하다, 받아들이다.


She had to face up to her mounting debts.

Face up to : (~을) 해결하다, (~에) 대처하다

mounting debt : 쌓여가는 빚...


He is counting on a promotion this year.

Count on : (~을) 기대하다, 예상하다


I count on him being late, he always is.

Count on : (어떤 일이 일어날 것을) 확신하다


Get down! There are explosions!

Get down : 몸을 낮추다, 엎드리다


He walked away, saying nothing.

Walk away : 떠나다


They tried to hush up the scandal.

Hush up : 잠재우다, 덮어두다

Hush : (~을) 조용히 시키다

shush : 쉬, 쉿



I need to give the book back by tomorrow.

Give back : 되돌려주다.


His idea brought about big change.

Her hard work brought about a promotion.

Bring about : (~을) 가져오다, 일으키다, 초래하다, 유발하다


TQQQ went up.

She went up the stairs cautiously.

Go up : 오르다

cautiously : 조심히


TQQQ went down.

These days, vegetable prices have gone down.

Go down : 내려가다, 떨어지다


The detective hunted down the criminal.

Hunt down : 추적해서 잡다, 뒤쫓다


Please cut it out acording to the shape.

Cut out : 오려내다, 잘라내다


I have been cutting out coffee lately.

Cut out : 줄이다

Cut back on : ~를 줄이다

"cut out" : 완전히 중단하거나 제거하는 것을 의미

"cut back on" : 덜 하거나 먹거나 사용하도록 노력하는 것을 의미


He was so funny that I doubled up with laughter.

double up with laughter : 우스워서 몸을 자지러뜨리다, 포복절도하다


She doubled up in pain

Double up : 몸을 웅크리다


I need to build up my stamina.

Build up :몸을 더 건강하게 하다


He has built up a good reputation in the community.

Build up : 쌓다

reputation: 명성, 평판


I asked her over for dinner.

Ask over : (특정 사람, 작은 그룹 대상으로) 초대하다


The soldiers carried out the mission successfully.

Carry out : 수행하다


I'm so tired I cannot hold out any longer

Hold out : 버티다, 지속하다


The river dried up because of the drought.

Dry up : 바싹 마르다, 말라붙다.


He moved up to a managerial position.

Move up : 승진하다, 올라가다


The storm finally died down.

Die down : 약해지다, 잦아들다


Stock market will even out over time.

Even out : 균형을 잡다, 안정되다

Over time : 시간이 지남에 따라

'English' 카테고리의 다른 글

Study English 23.08.29  (0) 2023.09.12
Study English 23.08.28 구동사 모음8  (1) 2023.09.12
Study English 23.08.26 구동사 모음6  (0) 2023.09.09
Study English 23.08.25 구동사 모음5  (0) 2023.09.08
Study English 23.08.24 구동사 모음4  (0) 2023.09.08

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