my daily routine.

I wake up at 9am, and have a breakfast.

It's a protein shake and banana.

start work from home til 11:50 am, and go to work out to the gym for 45 mins.

for the left time til 1pm, I eat lunch. 

sometimes I eat and work simultaneously.

after finishing work, ride my bike to go to the office for dinner.

Dinner is on the company.

Go to the park right after dinner and enjoy sunset, think about today, future, and my life

come back home and study English or sleep when I feel tired or meet my friends.

take a shower and watch game playing on youtube on the bed

these days I'm watching spelunky playing.

well, this is my routine and a little bit boring.

yes I feel I'm growing up day by day but nothing special.




below is what ChatGPT reviewd.


My daily routine:

I wake up at 9am and have breakfast, which is a protein shake and a banana.

I start work from home until 11:50am, then go to the gym for a 45-minute workout.

For the remaining time until 1pm, I eat lunch.

Sometimes, I eat and work simutaneously.

After finishing work, I ride my bike to the office for dinner.

Dinner is provided by the company.

I go to the park right after dinner to enjoy the sunset and think about today, the future, and my life.

I come back home and either study English, sleep if I feel tired, or meet my friends.

I take a shower and watch gaming videos on YouTube in bed.

These days, I'm watching Spelunky playthroughs.

Well, This is my routine.

It's a little but boring.

Yes, I feel like I'm growing day by day, but nothing special happens.


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