keep going to write down the new expressions from TED video.


앤 라못(Anne Lamott): 삶과 글쓰기에서 배운 12가지 진리



- just try to bust yourself gently of the fantasy


- no matter how cherished and astonishing they may also be.


- At family gatherings where you suddenly feel homicidal or suicidal


- it doesn't leave you where it found you


- grace always bats last.


- wow and yikes!


- the people will make you laugh out loud at the most inconvenient times


- it will heal you to some extent.


- death is as sacred as birth.


- get on with your life.




well, I'm still afraid of Death.

a lot.


today was not bad.

I thought one of the task from my project was very complicated and stressful but it was'nt too much worse

In fact, it was too easy.

that gave me more time to review the project.

so I didn't work overtime and went to the part at 6:30pm to enjoy the sunset.

The sunset at between 7 to 7:30pm is really really nice and beautiful thesedays.

recommend you all. trust me, you will drop your tears by being touched.


thesedays I have felt this, I do whatever I say.

If I say I will take off, then I take off, no considering.

If I say I will study English, then I study English as right now.

This is beautiful, because It means that I can make my future as I say.

I will keep saying, I will go to Canada, have a really good job, meet my love, and live happily ever after.





and following sentences are the one ChatGPT reviewd.


Today wasnt bad.

I thought one of the tasks from my project would be very complicated and stressful, but It wasnt too bad.

In fact, it was quite easy.

That gave me more time to review the project.

So I didn't work overtime and went to the partk at 6:30pm to enjoy the sunset.

The sunset between 7 and 7:30pm is really really nice and beautiful these days.

I recommend it to you all. Trust me, you will be moved to tears.


These days, I have felt this : I do whatever I say.

If I say I will take off, then I take off, without hesitation.

If I say I will study English, then I study English, just like now.

This is beautiful because it means that I can create my future as I say.

I will keep saying: I will go to Canada, have a really good job, meet my love, and live happily ever after.

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