아래 유튜브에서 내게 필요한 내용 필기




What are you getting at? I don't get it.

Get at : (~을) 의미하다


We will get to the airpot by 5pm.

Get to : (~에) 도착하다


Once you get to know him, you will like him a lot.

Stop beating around the bush and get to the point.

Get to : 어떤 상태나 결과에 도달하다

beat around the bush : 돌려말하다, 요점을 피하다


I never got to say goodbye to her.

Get to : 기회가 생기다


Her constant complaining is really getting to me....

Get to somebody: (~를) 힘들게 하다, 곤란하게 하다


Don't let his words get to you. 신경쓰지 마 

Don't let little things get to you 별거 아닌 걸로 열 내지 마

What he said really got to me 내게 큰 영향을 미쳤다

Get to : (~에) 영향을 미치다


The photo got her to think back her childhood.

Get to : ~하게 만들다


The event cleared out around midnight.

Clear out : 끝나다, 끝내다


I need some time to clear out my thoughts.

Clear out : 정리하다, 청소하다

Clean up : 청소하다


Please clear out the trash can on time.

Clear out : 비우다


Please draw up a contract.

Draw up : (문서 등을) 작성하다


You need to let go of the past, and move on.

Let go of : ~을 잊다, 놓아주다


We used to be best friends, but over the years we grew apart.

Grow apart : (사이가) 멀어지다


Please read over the report and check if I left anything out.

Leave out : 빼다, 생략하다


She felt left out because she wan't invited to the party.

Leave out : 소외되다, 제외되다.


After hours of negotiation, they finally gave in to our demands.

Give in : 양보하다, 항복하다, 받아들이다


We put in a new heating system before winter.

Put in : 설치하다, 투입하다


She puts down her thoughts every day in her diary.

Put down : (정보, 생각 등을) 적다

Write down : (글 쓰는 행위에 집중) 적다


Don't put yourself down, you are doing your best.

Put down : 비난하다


The security guard let the visitors in after ID checks.

Let in : 들어오게 하다


They gave away promotional items at the event.

Give away : 무료로 주다


She gave away her old clothes to charity.

Give away : 기부하다, 나눠주다

charity : 자선단체


Please don't give away any spoilers.

Give away : (비밀을) 누설하다


He is waiting on the work visa approval.

Wait on : ~을 기다리다.


We waited out the rain, but it kept raining.

Wait out : (~이) 끝나길 기다리다


We need to fix up the house before selling it.

Fix up : 수리하다, 개조하다


We are not earning much, but it's enough to get by.

Get by : 그럭저럭 해내다


With out low income, it's hard for us to get by.

Get by : 어렵게 살아가다, 어렵게 해내다


It's hard to go against the mjority opinion.

Go against : (~에) 반대하다


Same sex marriage goes against the norm but I respect it.

Go against : 정상적인(자연스러운) 것에 어긋나다, 어긋나게 하다


Don't get so angry, cool down! calm down! easy!

Cool down : 진정하다, 진정시키다, 가라앉히다


Please wring out the towel before hanging it up.

Wring out : 물기를 짜다, 짜내다


I will be a little late, I'm tied up in a meeting right now.

Tie up : 바쁘다


We chipped in to buy him a gift.

Chip in : (돈 등을) 조금씩 내다, 조금씩 모으다

Chip in : 협조를 하다, 도움을 주다


아래 유튜브에서 내게 필요한 내용 필기




A fire broke out in the building.

Break out : (갑작스럽게) 발생하다


I broke out in a rash on my face!!

Break out : 뾰루지, 발진 등이 돋다

rash : 발진

pimple : 여드름


Protests broke out in the city. 

Korean war broke out in 1950

Break out : (전쟁, 시위 등이) 일어나다, 터지다

protest : 시위


He broke out of jail.

Break out : (~에서) 달아나다, 벗어나다


"Break out" : 어떤 제약, 고립, 또는 어려운 상황에서 벗어나려는 뉘앙스

종종 감옥, 병원, 군사적인 상황 등에서 사용되며, 특히 구금 또는 제약된 상황을 벗어나려고 할 때 사용

예문 : "The prisoners tried to break out of the jail last night."

"Run away" : 주로 더 일반적인 상황에서 사용되며, 어떤 장소나 상황을 떠나는 것을 나타냄
흔히 어린이가 집을 떠나거나, 동물이 주인 집을 떠나는 경우 등
"Run away"는 떠남을 더 강조하고 특별한 제약 상황에 국한되지 않음

예문 : "The child decided to run away from home."


The up to date dance is starting to catch on 유행하기 시작!

Catch on : 유행하다, 인기를 얻다

old-fashioned : 구식의 (=old, outdated)

up to date : 최신의 (=latest, new)


I decided to drop out of college and trust that it would all work out OK

Drop out : 중퇴하다


Let's eat out tonight.

Eat out : 외식하다


They fell out over a small thing.

Fall out over : (~ 로) 다투다


A button fell out of my shirt.

A spot fell out of his face.
The page fell out of the book.

Fall out of : (~에서) 떨어지다


Don't fill up your stomach on snacks before dinner.

Fill up : 가득 채우다


Please sit back and relax.

Sit back : 편히 앉다


I want to get away somewhere for the weekend.

Get away : 벗어나다


He got away with cheating on the test.

Get away with : (처벌 없이) 그냥 넘어가다


Don't try to get back at the manage. It's not worth it at all.

Get back at : (~에게) 복수하다


He finally got over his ex.

Get over : (~을) 극복하다


He ran over a streetlight.

Run over : (차로) 치다.


Can we run over today's schedule?

Run over : 대강 훑어보다.


We need to get along now if we want to catch the movie on time!

Get along : 떠나다 (진행하다)

"Head off" : 어떤 장소로 떠나 가는 것, 특히 출발점에서 다른 장소로 이동하는 상황을 의미

예문 : "I'm going to head off to the airport"
그리고 ChatCPT 는 get along 에 '떠나다'라는 의미가 없다고 큰 소리를 쳤다....

사전에 이리도 당당하게 나와있는데



We will sort out the paper by tomorrow.

Sort out : (~을) 정리하다, 처리하다


If you stick to the plan, everything will work out!

Stick to : (~를) 계속하다, 지키다


He took apart his computer to fix it.

Take apart : (~을) 분해하다, 분리하다


He tore up the letter after reading it.

Tear up : (~을) 찢다.


If I think back, I realize I made a mistake.

Think back : (과거를) 회상하다, 돌이켜 생각하다


"think back" : 과거를 기억하고 생각하는 것에 중점을 둠

예문 : Think back to your childhood 네 어릴 적으로 돌아가 생각해 봐

"look back" : 과거를 평가하고 그로부터 얻는 교훈에 중점을 둠

예문 : As we look back on the past year, we can see the progress we've made

작년을 돌아보면 우리가 얼마나 진전을 이루었는지 볼 수 있어


He decided not to pass up the job offer.

Pass up : (기회 등을) 놓치다, 포기하다


He pointed out my mistake.

Point out : 지적하다, 언급하다


The pain in my knee went away.

Go away : 가라앉다, 사라지다


I am going through a difficult time at work right now....

Go through : 경험하다, 겪다


They set about painting the walls in the living room.

Set about : 시작하다


Thankfully he started to come round and open his eyes.

Come round : (의식, 상태가) 회복되다


The alarm went off and the people got out of the building.

Ran away from the building as much as fast!

Go off : 알람이 울리다


His unique fashion stands out in a crowd.

Stand out : 돋보이다, 두드러지다.


They are moving out of this place next month.

Move in, Move out : 이사오다, 이사가다


He got his point across during the meeting.

Get across : (~을) 전달하다


We put off the meeting.

Put off : 연기하다


They put together the phone.

Put together : 조립하다, 만들다


I couldn't put up with manager's behavior.

Put up with : 참다, 견디다




아래 유튜브에서 내게 필요한 내용 필기



I knew you will pull it off!

Pull off : 해내다, 성사시키다


I need to cut back on sugar for my health.....

Cut back on : ~를 줄이다


Please don't hang up, stay on the line.

Hang up : 전화를 끊다.


The army called up the reserves.

Call up : 소집하다, 불러내다

reserves : 예비군


Feel free to jump in if you have any ideas.

Jump in : (활동, 대화에) 참여하다, 끼어들다


I used up all my data for this month.

Use up : 모두 사용하다


My phone is acting up, it keeps freezing.

Act up : 제대로 작동하지 않다.


The kid takes after her mother in looks and personality.

take after : ~를 닮다.


I'm not acting out, I'm just expressing my feelings.

Act out : 반항하다, 말썽피우다, 버릇없이 굴다


Feel free to shop around before buying a car.

Shop around : 여기저기 둘러보다


If everyon chips in, we can finish the project on time!

Chip in : 협조를 하다, 도움을 주다


I'm aiming at immigration next year.

Aim at : (~의) 달성을 목표로 삼다, ~를 겨낭하다.


Even though she felt sick, she carried on with her speech.

Carry on with : (힘들지만 참고) ~을 계속하다


He carried on with the family business.

Carry on : (하던 일을) 계속 이어가다.


The strange rumor is going around the neighborhood.

Wuhan virus has gone around the world since 2019.

Go around : (뉴스, 소문, 질병 등이) 퍼지다, 돌다


I messed up the presentation, I wish I could do it over.

Do over : 다시 하다, 개선하다


Eat up the salad, don't leave anything.

Eat up : (~을) 다 먹다


I just ate up my time for nothing.

Eat up : (시간, 자원을) 소모하다, 사용하다


You burden me now, please don't fuss over me so that I don't feel burdened

Fuss over : (~에게 지나칠 정도로) 신경쓰다, 관심을 보이다


Don't fuss over it, you'll pull it off regardless of that.

Fuss over : (하찮은 것으로) 걱정하다, 신경쓰다

regardless of : ~에 상관없이


I can't make out what you are saying.

Make out : 알아듣다, 알아보다


The doctor asked me to follow up in a month.

Follow up : 후속 조치하다

한 달 후에 재검진 받으러 오세용


The follow-up wans't as good as the original. 

Please open the email to check follow-up instructions.

Follow-up : 후속 (명사), 후속의 (형용사)


"Hold up" : 주로 어떤 일이나 계획을 지연시키거나 중단시킬 때 사용

예를 들어, "Hold up the meeting"은 회의를 지연시키거나 중단시키는 것을 의미
"Hold on" (="Hang on") : 대화 중에 또는 어떤 작업을 수행하면서 잠시 기다릴 때 사용

예를 들어, 전화통화 중에 상대방에게 말할 때 "Hold on, please"


The train is being held up.

It's been held up at customs.

The traffic accident ahead is holding up the entire highway.
I'm sorry I'm late; something unexpected held me up at work.
The bad weather can hold up our flight, so be prepared for delays.
The construction on the road is expected to hold up for another month.

Hold up : (어떤 것이나 상황이 예정대로 진행되지 않고 지연되는 경우) 지연되다

customs : 세관 


She was laid off yesterday.

Lay off : 정리해고하다


Can you turn over bbq?

Turn over : 뒤집다


You need to line up to buy tickets.

Line up : 줄을 서다


I mixed up the dates and missed the appointment...!

Mix up : 혼동하다, 뒤섞다


Please pass on my regards to your family.

Pass on : (정보, 메세지, 물건 등을 다른 사람에게) 전달하다

regards : 안부


I'll pass on the dessert, I'm full.

Pass on : 사양하다, 거절하다

"pass on" : 더 간단하거나 선택적인 거절

"turn down" : 좀 더 공식적이고 명확한 방식의 거절


The rumor quickly passed on throughout the company.

Pass on : 퍼지다, 전파되다, 옮기다


She decided to take up exercise for her health.

Take up : 시작하다


The sofa takes up too much space.

Take up : 차지하다





아래 유튜브에서 내게 필요한 내용 필기



Christmas is coming up!

Come up : 다가오다


The sun is coming up in the east.

Come up : 올라오다, 올라가다, 증가하다


I gotta go, something came up.

Come up : 발생하다, 일어나다


I'll get back to you.

Get back : 다시 연락하다


Please come down carefully from the ladder.

Come down : 내려오다


I think I'm coming down with Wuhan virus.

Come down with : (병, 감기 등에) 걸리다.


Don't come down on your son.

Come down on : (누구를) 호되게 꾸짖다, 나무라다, 혼내다


He proposed but got turned down.

Turn down : 거절하다, 반려하다


Please hand in your assignment by Monday!

Hand in : (오프라인에서 직접) 제출하다


We need to send in our report by tomorrow.

Send in : (온라인으로) 제출하다


You should turn in your application by today.

Turn in : (온,오프라인으로) 제출하다 


I cut off sugar for my health.

Cut off : 끊다, 차단하다


When I look back, there are many things I reget.

Look back : 회고하다, 돌아보다


The police are looking into the incident.

Look into : 조사하다


This song brings back so many memories.

Bring back : 회상하다, 돌려놓다


Please keep off the grass.

Keep off : 멀리하다, 피하다


The moive comes out next week!

Come out : 출시되다, 공개되다


The stain won't come out of my shirt.

Come out : 제거되다, 빠지다


My hand's stuck! It won't come off!

The handle came off the door.

Come off : (~에서) 떨어지다, 분리되다


The party came off without a hitch.

Come off : (뭔가가 예정대로) 진행되다, 성공하다

hitch : 문제, 지연


His effort is paying off.

Pay off  : 성공하다, 보상받다


I finally paid off my student loans!

Pay off : (빚을 완전히) 갚다, 청산하다


He ended up filing for bankruptcy.

end up : (결국) ~하게 되다.

file for bankruptcy : 파산 신청하다


The goverment had to step in to control the situation.

Step in : 개입하다


She liked to dress up for special occations.

dress up : 차려입다.


If you don't know the word, just look it up!

Look for : 찾아보다, 검색하다


Their plans fell apart at the last minute.

The old house started to fall apart.

I'm really falling apart. 멘붕..

Fall apart : 무너지다


Don't let the small things stress you out!

Stress out : 스트레스 받다


I brow off steam through exercise.

Blow off : 날려버리다, 발산시키다


They are blowing up a balloon.

Blow up : 불어넣다, 불다, 부풀리다 or 터지다(=pop)


He blew up at me for being late.

Blow up : 화내다, 분노하다


A new cafe popped up in our neighborhood.

A good idea popped up in my mind.

Pop up : (갑자기) 나타나다, 떠오르다


He blew out the candles.

Blow out : (불 등을 불어서) 끄다


I ran into an old friend on the street.

Run into : (예상치 못하게 ~를) 우연히 만나다


We came across a letter while looking through the album.

Come across : 우연히 발견하다, 우연히 만나다

반드시 어떤 동작이 수반되는(능동적인) 발견 혹은 만남에서 쓰이는데

특히 물건 혹은 정보를 발견할 때 자주 쓰임


The lost keys turned up under the bed.

Turn up : (우연히) 발견되다, 나타나다

come across 와 다르게, 동작이 수반되지 않아도(수동적인) 발견될 때 쓰임


We are heading off now, see ya!

Head off : 출발하다, 떠나다



How long do you think you'll stay out before coming back here?






아래 유튜브에서 내게 필요한 내용 필기




We ran out of potato salad.

Run out of : 소진되다, 바닥이 나다


7 take away 5 is 2

Take away : 빼다 (어린 아이들 표현)


더하기 (Addition): "2 plus 2 equals 4."
빼기 (Subtraction): "5 minus 3 equals 2."
곱하기 (Multiplication): "6 times 7 equals 42."
나누기 (Division): "8 divided by 2 equals 4."


Could you take away the empty plates?

take away : 치우다


If you slack off, you will fall behind.

Slack off : 게으름을 피우다 (나태하다)

fall behind : 뒤쳐지다, 따라잡지 못하다


She fell behind on all her utility bills.

Fall behind on : (지불, 납부 등)이 연체되다

utility bills : 공과금


I forgot to pay my utility bills, and now they are overdue.

I had to pay a late fee for returning the library book past its due date.
I lost my job, and as a result, my rent is overdue this month.
If you don't pay your credit card bill on time, you may incur late fees.
The bank sent a notice about the overdue loan payments.

The library charges a daily late fee for overdue books.

My landlord warned me about the consequences of rent overdue.
To avoid late fees, please pay your bills by the due date.
overdue : (지불·반납 등의) 기한이 지난

loan payment : 대출 상환

consequence : 결과


It was so funny that I burst into laughter.

Burst into : (갑자기 ~을) 터뜨리다.


She couldn't hold back her emotions and burst into tears.

Hold back : 참다, 억제하다


We might have to call off the party.

Call off : (~을) 취소하다, 철회하다


She showed off her new dress.

Show off : (~을) 자랑하다, 드러내 보이다


The lost keys turned up under the bed.

Turn up : (예상치 못하게) 나타나다, 발견되다


Please stand by, the event will begin soon!

Stand by : 기다리다, 대기하다 


Everyone, please settle down! 모두 진정! 조용!

Settle down : 진정하다, ~을 진정시키다, 조용히 하다


I messed up on the test

I'm afraid I messed up the recipe by adding too much salt.

Don't mess up on your presentation tomorrow.

mess up : 망치다


I screwed up on the test

Screw up : 망치다, 엉망으로 만들다 (비속어 느낌)


Please take off your shoes indoors.

Take off : (신발, 옷 등을) 벗다

indoors : 실내


I don't know how to deal with this situation.

deal with : 처리하다


She doens't care for politics 정치에 관심이 없다.

Care for : 관심을 갖다, 돌보다, 보살피다

politics : 정치


Are you going out with each other?

go out with : ~와 사귀다, 연애하다 (썸타는 관계)


We have been getting together for 2 years now

Get together with : ~와 사귀다


I will back you up no matter what happens.

Back up : 지지하다, 지원하다, 응원하다


Can you back the car up a little bit?

Back up : (차를) 후진시키다, 뒤로 물러서다, 백업하다


He got scared and ran away.

Run away : 도망치다, 달아나다 (=flee, get away)


Someone broke in and stole my laptop.

Break in : 침입하다, 끼어들다


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