첫번째 줄 : 한글
두번째 줄 : translation myself
세번째 줄 : google translation
네번째 줄 : google bard
영어로 된 개발 문서를 제대로 읽기 위해 영어 공부를 시작한다.
I'm going to study English to read technical documentaions in English correctly.
Start studying English to properly read development documents in English.
I am starting to study English in order to read English technical documents properly.
다음과 같은 방식으로 진행 할 예정이다.
I will do it following next steps.
We will proceed in the following way.
I plan to proceed in the following way.
하루에 한 번씩 내가 적고 싶은 글들을 한글로 적는다.
Once in a day, writing down some sentences which I want to
Once a day, I write down the words I want to write in Korean.
I will write the text I want to write in Korean every day.
그 글들을 직접 영어로 변역해본다.
and translating the sentences which I write down by myself.
Try translating those texts directly into English.
I will try to translate the text into English myself.
그 글들을 다시 인공지능을 이용하여 자동 번역한다.
Also translating the sentences by AI services.
The texts are then automatically translated using artificial intelligence.
I will translate the text again using artificial intelligence.
내가 직접 영어 번역을 함으로써, 어떤 영단어를 모르는지 알게 될 것이고 자연스럽게 내가 자주 쓰는 표현들을 직접 영어로 공부할 수 있게 될 것이다.
By translating by myself, I would know what English words I don't know and naturally find out what kind of expressions I use a lot.
By doing the English translation myself, you will know what English words you don't know. Naturally, you will be able to study the expressions I often use in English.
By translating English myself, I will be able to know which English words I do not know, and I will be able to study the expressions I often use in English directly.
또한 인공지능의 영어 번역문을 통해서, 내가 어떤 실수를 했는지 더 나은 단어 혹은 표현이 있는지 등을 알 수 있게 되어영어 실력을 향상시킬 수 있을 것이다.
By translating by AI services, I would know what mistakes I make and find out better words or expressions. That's how my English skill is improved.
Also, through the English translation of artificial intelligence, what mistakes I made, to see if there is a better word or expression, etc. You will be able to improve your English skills.
In addition, I will be able to improve my English skills by knowing what mistakes I made in the English translation of artificial intelligence, and by finding better words or expressions.
요새 해야 할 일이 참 많은데 영어도 손 놓고 있을 수는 없기 때문에 하루에 몇 문장만이라도 이렇게 공부를 진행해보자.
There are so many things to do but can't give up studying English, so let's do this study way with only a few sentences a day.
I have a lot of things to do these days, but I can't sit still with English. Try doing this, even if it's just a few sentences a day.
I have a lot to do these days, but I cannot give up on English, so let's try to study like this even if it is only a few sentences a day.
일단 오늘은 여기까지 해보고, 공부량이 적다 싶으면 늘리고, 많다 싶으면 줄이는 방식으로 진행하자.
I will finish here for the time being. If amount of study is too small, I will enlarge. If amount of study is too big, I will shrink(reduce).
First of all, let's try this far today, increase it if you want to study less, and reduce it if you want to study a lot.
Let's start with this today, and let's adjust the study volume if it is too little or too much.
google translate 의 번역문보다 Bard 의 번역이 훨씬 자연스럽다.
다음에는 google translate 대신 chatGPT 를 포함시키자.
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