매일 하는 영어공부 다시 시작하려고 한다.

Me : I'm gonna start to study English daily since today.

Gemini : I've decided to start studying English daily again.


작년에는 9월 글을 마지막으로 멈춰버렸는데, 이유는 바빠서가 아니고 그냥 힘들어서.

Me : I stopped this way to study Eng in Sep last year not because I was busy but It was very hard to keep doing it.

Gemini : I stopped studying English in September last year, not because I was busy, but because I found it difficult to continue

매일 글을 쓴다는 것 그리고 영어로 번역하고 틀린지 맞는지 확인하는 작업까지 한다는 것은,

보통 의지가 아니고선 계속 지속하기가 아주 힘든 것인 듯 하다.

Me : Literally it was very hard to me without strong will to keep writing something every day,

translating, and checking my English is correct or not.

Gemini : I realized that the process of writing daily, translating into English, and checking for spelling and grammar mistakes is something that is really difficult to do consistently without strong willpower. It can be quite challenging.


그럼에도 불구하고 다시 시작하는 이유는,

이렇게 힘든 과정을 거쳐야 억지로라도 영어 공부를 할 수 있을 것 같고

기억에도 더 오래 남을 것 같아서이다.

Me : The reasons why I start it again are to push myself to study English through this hard process,

and to memorize for a longer time.

Gemini : Despite this, I decided to start again because I think that going through this difficult process will allow me to continue studying English even if it's difficult, and that it will help me remember what I learn better.


이번에는 좀 글을 짧게 써보자.

Me : Let's write down shorter.

Gemini : I'll try to write shorter entries this time.


매일 내가 느낀 감정과 생각들을 일기처럼 쓸 것이고, 낭독도 할 것이고, 가능하다면 유튜브에도 올릴 것이다.

Me : Will write down what i've felt and thought today as a diary, speak out to record, and upload it on youtube.

Gemini : I'm going to write down my daily thoughts and feelings like a diary, record myself reading them aloud, and upload them to YouTube if possible.


내가 이것으로 기대하는 것은, 내가 주로 사용하는 표현들 위주의 영어 실력 향상과 내 매일의 기록,

그리고 나 자신을 돌보는 시간을 갖고 스트레스를 줄이는 것이다.

Me : What I expect from this works is to increase my English skills with some expressions which I use a lot, record my daily life, and release my stress by writing down my feeling so that I can check myself and do meditate.

Gemini : I hope that this will help me improve my English skills, especially in terms of the expressions I use most often, keep a record of my daily life, take some time for self-care, and reduce stress.


꾸준히 진행 한 이후, 기대하는 것들을 얼마나 이뤘는지 보자.

Me : Let's keep up this work and see how many things I will earn.

Gemini : I'll keep track of my progress and see how much I've achieved.


영어 문법 검사는 google Gemini, chatGPT 가 진행해줌.

Google Gemini, ChatGPT will check my English.











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