누군가 나에게 "기회일지 손해일지 모르는 상황에서 너는 어떤 것을 선택하는 편이냐" 라고 묻는다면, 대개 전자를 택하는 편이다.

Me : If someone asks me like, "what would you choose between a chance or disadventage but you dont know what it is" then I mostly choose the former one.

ChatGPT : If someone were to ask me, "In a situation where you don't know if it will be an opportunity or a loss, which would you choose?" I would usually go for the former.


손해가 있을지언정, 기회가 될 수 있는 미래를 놓치고 싶지 않기 때문이다.

Me : Even if It will give me a disadventage, I dont want to miss the chance which could lead me a good future

ChatGPT : Even if it results in a loss, I don't want to miss out on potential opportunities in the future.


그 손해를 감수할 수 있도록, 그리고 기회를 많이 만들 수 있도록 평소에 준비를 많이 해둬야한다.

Me : I must be prepare in daily life to make chances more and overcome the disadventages.

ChatGPT : To take on such risks and create more opportunities, I need to be well-prepared in advance.


오늘은 많이 바쁘지 않았다.

Me : it wasnt busy today.

ChatGPT : Today was not very busy.


프로젝트도 잘 진행되고 있고, 저녁 모임도 잘 즐기고 올 수 있을 것 같다.

Me : The project is going well and I would enjoy a meeting this evening.

ChatGPT : The project is progressing well, and I think I can enjoy the dinner gathering tonight.


저녁 모임 이후에 코인노래방 가서 스트레스를 좀 풀어야겠어.

Me : Need to go to Coin Noraebang to release my stress.

ChatGPT : After the dinner, I should go to a Coin Noraebang to relieve some stress.


영어 공부를 구체적으로 어떻게 하면 좋을지에 대해 고민을 많이 했다.

Me: I've considered how to study Eng in detail.

ChatGPT : I've been thinking a lot about how to specifically improve my English.


영어는 내가 노력 한 만큼 실력이 상승 할 테지만, 외워야 할 것이 너무 많아.

Me: My Eng skill would be increased as I tried, but too many things to memorize.

ChatGPT : English skills will improve as much as I put in the effort, but there's so much to memorize.


하지만 내게 주어진 시간은 계산 가능한 범위 내에 있어.

Me : but the time I get is in the boundary which I can calculate.(??)

ChatGPT : However, the time I have is within a calculable range.


즉, 한정적이란 소리지.

Me : It means, my time has limit.

ChatGPT : In other words, it's limited.


그래서, 되도록 영어에 노출이 많이 되려고 한다.

Me : So, I will be exposed to Eng as much as possible.

ChatGPT : So, I'm trying to expose myself to English as much as possible.


영어 자체가 생활이 되면, 아기가 언어 배우듯이 자연스럽게 익혀지지 않을까 생각한다.

Me : I think i would learn Eng naturally as the babies learn if English has a big part of my life.

ChatGPT : I think if English becomes a part of my daily life, I'll pick it up naturally, like a baby learning a language.


영어 쉐도우 복싱 가능한 유튜브를 많이 보고, 많이 듣고, 또 직접 많이 말 해봐야겠다.

Me : should watch Eng shadowing video from youtube, listen a lot, and speak outside a lot.

ChatGPT : I need to watch a lot of Youtube videos for English shadowing, listen a lot, and speak a lot.


그 작업 중 하나가 이렇게 유튜브를 통해서 이야기 하는 것이다.

Me : the one of process is to speak out through youtube as this.

ChatGPT : One part of this effort is talking like this through Youtube.


얼른 유의미한 결과가 나왔으면 좋겠다.

Me : Hope to meet the meaningful result as much as possible.

ChatGPT :  I hope to see meaningful results soon.













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