첫번째 줄 : 한글
두번째 줄 : translation myself
세번째 줄 : google bard
네번째 줄 : chatGPT
낮잠을 자고 나면 기분이 좋지 않은데, 이유는 모르겠다.
After taking a nap, I dont feel good. don't know why.
- I don't know why, but I don't feel good after taking a nap.
- After taking a nap, I don't feel well, and I don't know why.
은연중에 시간을 버려졌다고 생각하나 봄.
I think I wasted my time in my mind.
- I think I subconsciously feel like I've wasted my time.
- Subconsciously, I feel like I've wasted time.
규칙적인 신체활동주기에 맞춰 자고 깨는 것이 좋다고들 하더라.
People say, It's good to sleep and wake up following a regular circadian rhythms.
- People say it's good to sleep and wake up at regular times.
- People say it's better to sleep and wake up according to a regular body activity cycle.
낮잠이 그 주기를 깨버려서 기분이 나쁜가 싶기도 하다.
I guess nap breaks the rhythm and that's why I feel bad.
- I wonder if my nap broke that cycle and made me feel bad.
- I sometimes wonder if taking a nap disrupts that cycle and makes me feel bad.
자야할 때 자고싶지 않고, 일어나야 할 때 계속 자고싶은 기분은 역설적이다.
When I have to sleep, I dont wanna sleep, when I have to wake up, I wanna keep sleeping, and this feeling is very ironic.
- It's paradoxical that I don't want to sleep when I should be sleeping and I want to keep sleeping when I should be waking up.
- It's paradoxical to feel like you don't want to sleep when you should and want to keep sleeping when you need to get up.
요새는 열대야때문에 더워서 깊이 자지 못하고 아침에 일직 깨는 것 같다.
I have inclined to wake up early and not to sleep in deep these days because of tropical night.
- I've been having trouble sleeping because of the hot weather lately. I feel like I wake up early in the morning.
- Lately, it's so hot due to the tropical weather that I can't sleep deeply and keep waking up in the morning.
세계 곳곳에 폭염같은 이상기후가 나타나고 있는데 아무래도 지구가 이상하다.
Abnormal climate like hot weather has emerged in the world, and it seems very weird.
- The world is experiencing strange weather patterns, such as heat waves. I think the earth is strange.
- Extreme weather, like heatwaves, is occurring all over the world, and it seems like the Earth is behaving strangely.
갈수록 천재지변이 나타나고, 우한 바이러스 같은 역병도 돈다면 이거 재앙이 아닐까?
Occuring Disaster and population of plagues like Wuhan virus would be a catastrophe?
- Natural disasters are becoming more frequent, and diseases like the Wuhan virus are spreading. Is this not a disaster?
- Natural disasters are happening more frequently, and there are outbreaks of diseases like the Wuhan virus. Could this be a disaster?
outbreak : (전쟁·사고·질병 등의) 발생[발발]
내가 살아있는 동안 세상의 끝이 도래하고, 예수님이 다시 오시는 거 아닐까 싶을 정도.
I think during I live I will see the end of the workd and Jesus will come.
- I can't help but think that the end of the world is coming while I am alive, and that Jesus is coming again.
- It almost feels like the end of the world and the second coming of Jesus might happen while I'm still alive.
...방금 낮잠을 잤더니 이상한 꿈을 꾸었고 기분도 이상해서 이상한 말을 적어보았다.
....just took a nap, I had a weird dream and feel weird now, so I wrote down weird things.
- ...I just took a nap and had a strange dream. I felt strange, so I wrote down some strange words.
- ... After just waking up from a nap, I had a strange dream, and my mood was weird, so I wrote some strange words.
재밌는 사실을 하나 발견했다.
Just found a fun fact.
- I found an interesting fact.
- I discovered an interesting fact.
영어 번역할 때, Google Bard 에서 민감한 단어 필터링을 하고 있다는 것이다.
Google Bard filters some sensitive words to translate into English.
- When translating English, Google Bard filters sensitive words.
- When translating in Google Bard, it filters sensitive words.
예를 들어, 아래 스샷과 같이 민감한 단어는 영어 번역을 하지 않는다.
For example, it don't support English Translation with sensitive words as below screenshot.
- For example, as shown in the screenshot below, sensitive words are not translated into English.
- For example, as shown in the screenshot below, sensitive words are not translated in English.
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