Bash Operator 에서 실행한 Shell Script 에서 가장 마지막에 echo(stdout) 로 출력된 것을
Airflow 의 xcom 으로 넘길 수 있음
DAG 아래처럼 작성
import airflow from airflow import DAG from airflow.utils import timezone from airflow.operators.bash import BashOperator from datetime import datetime, timedelta import pendulum local_tz = pendulum.timezone('Asia/Seoul') default_args = { 'start_date': datetime(2022, 6, 25, 00, tzinfo=local_tz), 'schedule_interval': '00 00 * * *', 'owner': 'eyeballs', } with DAG(dag_id='passing_echo', default_args=default_args, catchup=False) as dag: BASE_TIME = "{{data_interval_end.in_timezone('Asia/Seoul').strftime('%Y%m%d')}}" making_echo = BashOperator( task_id = "making_echo", bash_command=f'echo today is {BASE_TIME}', do_xcom_push=True, ) catching_echo = BashOperator( task_id = "catching_echo", bash_command="echo {{ti.xcom_pull(task_ids='making_echo')}} and its beautiful", ) making_echo >> catching_echo |
로그는 아래와 같이 나옴
< making_echo 로그 > [2022-09-28, 07:31:18 UTC] {} INFO - Running command: ['bash', '-c', 'echo today is 20220928'] [2022-09-28, 07:31:18 UTC] {} INFO - Output: [2022-09-28, 07:31:18 UTC] {} INFO - today is 20220928 [2022-09-28, 07:31:18 UTC] {} INFO - Command exited with return code 0 |
< catching_echo 로그 > [2022-09-28, 07:31:20 UTC] {} INFO - Running command: ['bash', '-c', 'echo today is 20220928 is today'] [2022-09-28, 07:31:20 UTC] {} INFO - Output: [2022-09-28, 07:31:20 UTC] {} INFO - today is 20220928 and its beautiful [2022-09-28, 07:31:20 UTC] {} INFO - Command exited with return code 0 |
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