Kafka tutorial #1 - Simple Kafka producer in Kotlin

Kafka tutorial #1 - Simple Kafka producer in Kotlin 2018-08-01 Kafka 2.0 just got released, so it is a good time to review the basics of using Kafka. I am going to focus on producing, consuming and processing messages or events. I don’t plan on covering th


Overview of Kafka · The Internals of Apache Kafka

Apache Kafka is an open source project for a distributed publish-subscribe messaging system rethought as a distributed commit log. Language Agnostic — producers and consumers use binary protocol to talk to a Kafka cluster. Messages are byte arrays (with St


[Apache Kafka] 1. 소개및 아키텍처 정리

Apache Kafka(아파치 카프카)는 LinkedIn에서 개발된 분산 메시징 시스템으로써 2011년에 오픈소스로 공개되었다. 대용량의 실시간 로그처리에 특화된 아키텍처 설계를 통하여 기존 메시징 시스템보다 우수한 TPS..


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