
Study English 24.06.02

눈가락 2024. 6. 2. 22:20


이런 상상을 해본다.

Me : sometimes I imagine this.

ChatGPT : I imagine this scenario.


새로 이사 간 지역은 모든 것이 낯설다.

Me : I feel unfamiliar with everything in the area i moved for the first time.

ChatGPT : Everything is unfamiliar in the new area I've moved to.


거리의 풍경도 낯설고, 시스템도 낯설지만 내가 부족할 때 감사하게도 주위 사람들이 많이 도와줘서 덕분에 적응을 잘 해 나갈 것 같다.

Me : the view, and the system are unfamiliar to me but I get used to it by people who has help when I had troubles.

ChatGPT : The street scenes and systems are unfamiliar, but thankfully, people around me help a lot when I'm struggling,so I think I'll adapt well.


업무도 마찬가지로 적응하기 힘들지만, 예전부터 해오던 작업이라 그리 까다롭진 않다.

Me : The work is also hard to adjust but not too much difficult because it is i used to do before.

ChatGPT : It's also hard to adjust to work, but since It's something I've been doing for a long time, It's not too difficult.


생각이 많아지면, 근처에 작은 공원으로 가서, 한 시간씩 앉아 생각 정리를 하고 온다.

Me : I go to a small park when I'm complicated, and spend time for an hour to relax.

ChatGPT : When I have a lot on my mind, I go to a nearby park and sit for an hour to organize my thoughts.


간간히 느껴지는 외로움 때문에, 친구를 만들기 위해 퇴근 후 분위기 좋은 바에 가거나 지역 취미 모임을 찾는다.

Me : I feel loenly sometimes so I try to go to a bar with nice interior or find a social hobby group to make friends.

ChatGPT : Occasionally feeling lonely, I go to a nice bar after work or look for local hobby groups to make friends.


그러다가 우연히 나랑 잘 맞는 사람들을 만나서 좋은 시간을 보낸다.

Me : I meet some nice people and we have a good time.

ChatGPT : Then ,by chance, I meet people who get along well with me and have a great time.


그 후에도 금요일 밤에 함께 맥주를 마시거나, 야구 관람을 함께 가거나, 날이 좋을 때 바다로 같이 드라이빙을 가곤 한다.

Me : time to time we drink beer on Friday night, go to see a baseball game, and drive to beach when the weather is very nice.

ChatGPT : After that, we often drink beer together on Friday nights, go to baseball games, or drive to the beach when the weather is nice.


우리가 자주 가는 바에서, 손님들이 노래를 부를 수 있는 작은 이벤트가 열린다.

Me : At the bar we go often, an even is held which is that customers can sing on the stage.

ChatGPT : At a bar we often visit, there is a small event where customers can sing.


나는 주변의 추천을 받아 어쩔 수 없이 무대 위로 올라가 알고있는 몇 안 되는 팝송 중에 자신있는 것을 부른다.

Me : people around me recommend me and I cant not to go up to the stage, and I sing a pop song which i know a few.

ChatGPT : At the suggestion of those around me, I reluctantly go on stage and sing one of the few pop songs i know well.


관객 중 한 명과 눈이 마주친다.

Me : I do eyecontact with one of audiance.

ChatGPT : I make eye contact with someone in the audience.


그 사람은 내가 노래를 부르는 동안, 부드러운 미소와 아름다운 눈으로 나를 바라본다.

Me : While i sing, he gazes at me with soft smile and beautiful eyes.

ChatGPT : While I'm singing, he looks at me with a gentle smile and beautiful eyes.


내 심장이 빨리 뛰는 것을 느낀다.

Me : I feel my heart bounces fast.

ChatGPT : I feel my heart racing.


노래가 끝난 후, 나는 바로 자리로 돌아가지 않고 그 사람에게 다가가 내 노래를 집중해서 들어줘서 고맙다고 인사를 건넨다....

Me : After singing, I dont go back to my seat but to him and say thank you for listening to my song....

ChatGPT : after the song ends, I don't return to my seat immediately but approach him to thank him for listening attentively to my song....

