
Study English 24.06.01

눈가락 2024. 6. 1. 16:21


저녁 7시에 모임이 있어서 그 때까지 카페에서 공부하고 있는 중이다.

Me : I'm studying at a cafe til 7pm because there is a meeting at that time.

ChatGPT : I have a meeting at 7pm, so I'm studying at a cafe unitl then.


날이 더워서 자바칩 프라푸치노를 주문했는데, 아뿔싸 우유를 두유로 바꾸는 걸 깜빡했다...

Me : Today is hot so I ordered Javachip Frappuccino, just forgot to change milk to soy milk....

ChatGPT : It's hot, so I ordered a JavaChip Frappuccino, but Oops, I forgot to switch the milk to soy milk...


내 위장들이 제발 잘 견뎌주길 바란다.

Me : Hope my stomach is strong to overcome it.

ChatGPT : I hope my stomach can handle it.

사람이 너무 많아서 자리 찾는데 애를 먹었다.

Me : I had a trouble to find a seat in so many people. 

ChatGPT : It was hard to fine a seat because ehre were so many people.


이어폰 끼고 있으니 백색소음이 줄어든다.

Me : the white noise is recuding after wearing earphone.

ChatGPT : Wearing earphones reduces the background noise.


다양한 사람들이 카페에 모여서 이야기를 나누고 있다.

Me : Many different people are spending time to talk at a cafe.

ChatGPT : Various people are gathering in the cafe and chatting.


손자를 옆에 앉혀두고 커피를 마시는 할아버지가 보이고

Me : I can see a granfa drinking coffee next to his grandson.

ChatGPT : I see a grandfather sitting with his grandson and drinking coffee.


버릇없는 신입들 흉을 보는 두 여자 분들도 보인다.

Me : I can see two women who find fault with cocky new employees in their company.

ChatGPT : I also see two women gossiping about some rude newcomers.


아마도 같은 회사 동기인 듯 하다.

Me : Maybe they are coworkers for the same company.

ChatGPT : The seem to be colleauges from the same company.


사람들의 수다 속에서 묵묵히 책을 읽는 청년도 보인다.

Me : I also can see a young guy who read a book in the crowd.

ChatGPT : I see a young man quietly reading a book amid the chatter of people.


웃는 얼굴로 친구와 열정적인 토론을 하는 사람도 보인다.

Me : there are some people who debate with their friends.

ChatGPT : I see someone passionately debating with a friend.


사람들 모두 저마다의 이야기가 있고, 저마다의 생각이 있고, 저마다의 인생이 있다는 게 참 재미있다.

Me : People have their own story, their own thinking, their own life, and I think it is fun.

ChatGPT : It's fascinating that everyone has their own story, their own thoughts, and their own life.


영어 일기를 쓰고, 책에서 새로운 표현들을 공부할 예정이다.

Me : after writing an English diary, I will learn a new expression from a book.

ChatGPT : I plan to write in my English diary and study new expressions from books.

